1556 (英国口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?


現在你可以到 Fly with Lily 网站免費參與我們的30日贏得早起挑戰!Day 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Adam. Originally from Reading, England, I'm currently in Chiang mai, Thailand, because I love the vibe of the city, and I was here for a couple of months in June and July this year. By profession, I'm a voice actor, editor, university examiner, and writer. In my free time, I love exploring new places, reading amazing fiction, journaling, playing piano, and cooking, amongst other things. My dream is to do exactly what I'm doing right now. But more seriously, I'd love to co-write a novel with chat GPT, which I'm in the process of doing right now. Today, I'll be answering a question posed by Lily: what has helped you become more of who you are? So I came travelling 16 months ago. I quit my job, which was really bringing me down. I'd recently received a management position at university and found that it wasn't for me. So travelling for 16 months has allowed me the time to develop meaningful relationships with people from all over the world and to experience new things on almost a daily basis. And because I've been travelling, I've had to find my own balance. And this has been really helpful for me to engage in healthy habits like meditating and journaling consistent exercise, and to be grateful for the wonderful life I'm now leading. And as a result, my self worth and self confidence has greatly, greatly improved. That's it. Thank you for listening. 你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友亚当。我原籍英格兰的雷丁,目前身处泰国的清迈,因为我喜欢这座城市的氛围,今年六月和七月我在这里呆了几个月。我是一名配音演员、编辑、大学考官和作家。在业余时间,我喜欢探索新地方,阅读很棒的小说,写日记,弹钢琴和烹饪,还有其他一些爱好。我的梦想就是做我现在正在做的事情。但更认真地说,我想与ChatGPT合作写一部小说,我现在正在进行中。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:是什么帮助你更加成为真实的自己?所以,16个月前我开始了旅行。我辞去了让我感到沮丧的工作。我最近在大学获得了一个管理职位,发现那不适合我。因此,过去16个月的旅行让我有时间与来自世界各地的人建立有意义的关系,几乎每天都能体验新事物。由于我一直在旅行,我不得不找到自己的平衡。这对我来说非常有帮助,让我养成健康的习惯,如冥想和写日记,坚持锻炼,并感激我现在过的美好生活。因此,我的自尊和自信大大提高了。就是这样。感谢你的聆听。单词记忆:1.Examiner (考官)Definition: A person who sets or marks an examination.2.Co-write (共同撰寫)Definition: To write together with someone else, collaborating on the creation of a literary work.3.Meaningful (有意義的)Definition: Significant and conveying a sense of purpose or importance.4.Engage (參與)Definition: To actively participate or become involved in something.5.Consistent (一貫的)Definition: Unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time.6.Meditate (冥想)Definition: To engage in contemplation or reflection, often for relaxation or spiritual purposes.7.Journaling (寫日記)Definition: The practice of keeping a regular record of thoughts, experiences, or reflections in a journal.8. Self-worth (自我價值)Definition: The sense of one's own value or worth as a person.9. Confidence (自信)Definition: The feeling or belief that one can rely on oneself and one's abilities.10.Grateful (感激的)Definition: Feeling or showing appreciation and thankfulness for something.

1556 (英国口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?

1556 (英国口音)什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子?
