1565 三十天感恩日记挑战的三十个让你越感恩越幸福的中英问题


公眾微信號:Englishfit30-Day Gratitude Journal Challenge30天感恩日记打卡挑战Day 1: What are you grateful for today?第一天:今天要感谢的是?Day 2: What little blessings and miracles did you experience today?第二天:今天有经历什么样小感动和奇迹?Day 3: What do you most love about yourself?第三天:你最喜欢自己什么地方?Day 4: What about you makes you special?第四天:你最与众不同的地方?Day 5: What risk are you most grateful for having taken?第五天:过去做过什么有风险的事情,但今天的你很感谢有付诸行动?Day 6: How can you express gratitude for something you desire?第六天:你怎么对你渴望的事情表示感恩?Day 7: Who are you most grateful for in your life and why?第七天:在你生命里你最感谢谁,为什么呢?Day 8: What relationships make your life feel rich and full?第八天:你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?Day 9: Write why you are grateful for your proudest accomplishment.第九天:写下你最值得感谢和骄傲的一件成就。Day 10: What has helped you become more of who you are?第十天:什么事件帮助你成为你今天的样子。Day 11: What is your favorite emotion to feel?第十一天:你最喜欢感受什么样的情绪?Day 12: What painful experience has helped you grow?第十二天:过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?Day 13: What did you learn from the last challenge you overcame?第十三天:你从过去克服过的挑战学会了什么?Day 14: How can you inject more gratitude into a current challenge?第十四天:你怎么在你现在面临的挑战之中注入更多的感恩之情?Day 15: Write down your favorite affirmations that make you feel good.第十五天:写下你最喜欢的正面的肯定句。Day 16: How can you add gratitude to a situation you want to improve?第十六天:怎么在你现在想要改进的情况下注入更多的感恩之情?Day 17: Describe the last time you felt pure joy.第十七天:描述最近一次感到纯粹快乐的时候。Day 18: What is the best gift you’ve ever received?第十八天:你收到最棒的礼物?Day 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Day 20: What experiences have strengthened you?第二十天:什么样的经验让你更坚强?Day 21: Describe the last time your heart was overflowing with love.第二十一天:描述最近一次心里感受到满满的爱的体验?Day 22: What activities do you most enjoy doing?第二十二天:你最喜欢从事什么样的活动呢?Day 23: What are you afraid of? How is this fear a good thing?第二十三天:你最害怕什么事?这件事在你生命中有没有正面的影响呢?Day 24: What fears have you overcome that made you stronger?第二十四天:哪一个你克服的恐惧让你变得更强大?Day 25: Describe the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed.第二十五天:描述上次你笑到哭(尿)的一次体验?Day 26: What everyday items are you most grateful for?第二十六天:哪一件每天的用品让你觉得很感恩?Day 27: What’s your top goal right now and why are you grateful for it?第二十七天:你的首要目标是什么?你为什么觉得很感恩呢?Day 28: What do you already have that you want more of?第二十八天:你想要拥有更多的...Day 29: Describe the last time you did something nice for someone.第二十九天:描述上次你为别人做的好事。Day 30: Write about what you want to manifest as if it is already yours.第三十天:描述你想要在生命中拥有的任何事情,仿佛你已经有了它们一样。哪一个问题让你最发省思?留言和我们分享哦!

1565 三十天感恩日记挑战的三十个让你越感恩越幸福的中英问题

1565 三十天感恩日记挑战的三十个让你越感恩越幸福的中英问题
