1562 过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?


公眾微信號 EnglishfitDay 12: What painful experience has helped you grow?第十二天:过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Geoff. I'm from Virginia in America. I'm in Thailand now because I'm retired and living here. In my free time, I like to ride around Chiang Mai on my motorbike. And my dream is to just continue living here the way I am. Today I'm asked a question by lily, and the question is, what painful experience has helped me grow? And I would say ice plunging is painful, but it really makes me aware of my body's reaction and panic and how my mind treats my body when I panic. And I think that is how it helps me grow. So that's it. Thanks for listening. Have a great day.你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友杰夫。我来自美国弗吉尼亚州。我现在身处泰国,因为我已经退休并定居在这里。业余时间,我喜欢骑着我的摩托车在清迈四处游玩。我的梦想就是继续过着我今天这样的生活。莉莉问了我一个问题,那就是哪个痛苦的经历帮助我成长?我会说冰浴是痛苦的,但它真的让我意识到我的身体反应和恐慌,以及当我恐慌时我的思维如何对待我的身体。我认为这就是它如何帮助我成长的原因。就是这样。谢谢你的聆听。祝你有美好的一天。單詞記憶:1.Retired:中文解释: 退休的英文解释: Having withdrawn from one's work, business, or active life, typically due to age.2.Motorbike:中文解释: 摩托车英文解释: A motorcycle, a two-wheeled motor vehicle.3.Plunge:中文解释: 跳水,突然下降英文解释: To jump or dive quickly and energetically, or to fall suddenly.4.Aware:中文解释: 察觉的,意识到的英文解释: Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.5.Panic:中文解释: 恐慌,惊慌英文解释: A sudden feeling of fear or anxiety that prevents reasonable thought and action.6.Reaction:中文解释: 反应英文解释: An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.7.Grow:中文解释: 成长,增长英文解释: To develop and mature physically, mentally, or emotionally; to increase in size, amount, or intensity.8.Plunge (in the context of ice plunging):中文解释: 冰浴英文解释: Immersing oneself in cold water, often for health or recreational purposes.9.Perception:中文解释: 感知,知觉英文解释: The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.10.Energetically:中文解释: 精力充沛地英文解释: In a manner characterized by enthusiasm, vigor, or active engagement.

1562 过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?

1562 过去什么样的痛苦经历帮助你成长?
