1558 (女声)目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?


Day 19: What have you manifested that you are super grateful for?第十九天:目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Gelene. Originally from Southern California in the United States, I'm currently in Bali, Indonesia, because I've been traveling full time for the last three years and have a digital nomad lifestyle. Now, by profession, I'm a creative entrepreneur with a mission to help women live more meaningful lives through solo travel, transformation, meaningful connections, and play. And I do this through my own podcast, Travel Not to Escape, as well as community. In my free time, I love trying out different restaurants and cuisines, adrenaline activities, salsa, Bachata classes or spiritual classes like meditation and sound healing. And my dream is to make an impact through my work and create a business that impacts women from all over the world, making them more empowered to create and follow a vision for their life that makes them happy and fulfilled. 你好。你正在收听《与莉莉一起飞》。我是你的新朋友Jelene。我原籍美国加利福尼亚南部,目前身处印度尼西亚的巴厘岛,因为在过去的三年里,我一直过着全职旅行和数字游牧的生活。我的职业是一名创意企业家,使命是通过独自旅行、转变、有意义的人际关系和嬉戏,帮助女性过上更有意义的生活。我通过自己的播客《Travel Not to Escape》和社群来实现这一使命。在业余时间,我喜欢尝试不同的餐厅和美食,进行肾上腺素活动,参加骚莎、巴恰塔课程,或者参加冥想和声音疗愈等属灵课程。我的梦想是通过我的工作产生影响,并创建一个影响来自世界各地的女性的企业,让她们更有力量去创造并追随让她们快乐充实的生活愿景。So today I'll be answering a question posed by Lily, and that question is, what have you manifested that you are super grateful for? And I want to share that. When I was 20, I was studying abroad in Rome, and it was my first time out of the country, and I finally felt like this was the life I wanted to live, but then didn't know how to get back to this place when it came time for the program to end. So I promised myself within five years I would go back to Rome no matter what, and within ten, I would be living that life of travel and freedom again. And I'm so proud to have manifested that vision for my life. And those two guideposts really helped me live the life that I want now. So sometimes when you get that beautiful opportunity to see a glimpse of a life that you want, you have to cling on to that. There is a reason that it resonates in your soul. And I didn't know how I was going to live that life of travel, but I saw that possibility and I knew then that it was also possible for me too. And the details to get there were just that they were just details. And the important thing is the vision and feeling it in your soul. So that's it. Thank you so much for listening.所以今天我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题,那就是,你已经实现了什么让你非常感激的愿景?我想分享的是,当我20岁时,我在罗马留学,那是我第一次出国,我终于感觉到这是我想要过的生活,但是当项目结束时,我不知道如何回到那个地方。因此,我向自己承诺,在五年内,无论如何都会回到罗马,而在十年内,我将再次过上那种旅行和自由的生活。我为能实现生活愿景感到自豪。这两个指引确实帮助我过上了我想要的生活。有时候,当你有机会看到你想要的生活的一瞥时,你必须紧紧抓住它。它在你的灵魂中共鸣是有原因的。我不知道我将如何过上那种旅行的生活,但我看到了那种可能性,我当时知道那对我来说也是可能的。到达那里的细节只是细枝末节。重要的是愿景,并在你的灵魂中感受到它。就是这样。非常感谢你的聆听。今日感想:听了Geleen的分享,让我想起了2014年,那是我人生中最迷茫、最失落的时期。曾经我最热爱的旅游,因为柴米油盐和创业就渐渐的抛在脑后,当时,我因为开始了这个播客也是希望可以继续探索实现环球旅游的可能性,这个过程有痛苦也有甜美,我实现了我一直以来的旅游梦想。当时2014年我的实现的第一站是在圣诞节期间到了泰国的孤儿院做义工。这个经历成为我生命中的转折点,之后我踏上了更多不可思议的旅程。现在,我仍然有很多地方想要去探索,这让我对生活充满了许多期待。旅行不仅为我带来了美好的回忆,更让我重新找回了生活的方向。感谢当初的勇气和开始这个播客的决定,让我有了这么多丰富的经历和机会。生命中的每一步都是一场冒险,我期待着未来还有更多精彩的探险等着我去发现。Geleen的播客:<Travel not to Escape>参与的学英语环游世界播客:1517集单词解释:1.Digital Nomad (数字游牧民)Definition: A person who works remotely, often through the use of digital technology, while constantly traveling to different locations.2. Adrenaline (肾上腺素)Definition: A hormone and neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the "fight or flight" response, often associated with excitement or intense physical activity.3. Bachata (巴查塔)Definition: A style of dance and music that originated in the Dominican Republic, characterized by romantic and rhythmic movements.4. Empowered (赋予权力)Definition: Made stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and asserting one's rights.5. Manifested (实现)Definition: Brought into reality; made evident or certain.6. Guideposts (指引标志)Definition: Clear markers or points of reference that help guide one's decisions or actions.7. Resonates (共鸣)Definition: Elicits a positive response or connection, often on an emotional or spiritual level.8. Solo Travel (独自旅行)Definition: Traveling alone, without companions.9. Transformation (转变)Definition: A profound or major change in form, appearance, or character.10. Sound Healing (声音疗愈)Definition: The use of sound, such as singing bowls or chanting, as a therapeutic practice to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

1558 (女声)目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?

1558 (女声)目前发生在你生命中最感谢的人/事是什么?
