1554 你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?


Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!现在就到 flywithlily.com/30 参加我们的30日挑战,让Lily做你一整年的生活、商业、和英语教练!Day 8: What relationships make your life feel rich and full?第八天:你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Mish, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, and I'm currently on the Spanish island of Ibiza because this is where I work with some of my clients. By profession, I'm an energy coach, and in my free time, I love hanging out with friends, traveling, seeing new places, and keeping fit through a gym regime or hiking. My dream is to help as many people raise their vibration through exposure to my work so they can move out of a life of chaos and into a life of synchronicity. Today, I'll be answering the question posed by Lily: what relationships make you feel rich and full? Well, that was pretty easy for me. It's the relationship I have with myself because by focusing on the ways that I can evolve as a person, that I am specifically looking at how to raise my vibration, I get to create and live the life I've always wanted. So that's it, really. Thanks so much for listening, and I'm sending you many good vibes.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友Mish,原籍南非约翰内斯堡,目前在西班牙的伊比沙岛工作。我的职业是一名能量教练,在业余时间,我喜欢与朋友一起度过时间,旅行,探索新地方,并通过健身或徒步保持健康。我的梦想是通过我的工作帮助尽可能多的人提升他们的能量频率,使他们摆脱混乱的生活,过上一种同步的生活。今天,我将回答莉莉提出的一个问题:什么样的关系让你感到充实和富有?嗯,这对我来说相当容易。那就是我与自己的关系,因为通过专注于我作为一个人可以如何进化,我特别关注如何提升我的能量频率,我得以创造并过上我一直想要的生活。就是这样,非常感谢你的聆听,我送给你许多好的能量。单词记忆:1.Vibration (振动) - 快速的粒子或波的振动。2.Synchronicity (同步性) - 事件同时发生,看似有关联但无明显因果关系。3.Regime (体制) - 做某事的系统化或有组织的模式。4.Evolve (进化) - 逐渐发展,特别是从简单到复杂的形式。5.Exposure (曝露) - 暴露于与某物接触的状态。6.Chaos (混乱) - 完全的无秩序和混乱。7.Relationship (关系) - 两个或更多人或事物之间的联系方式,或相互联系的状态。8.Profession (职业) - 有薪的职业,尤其是涉及长时间培训和正式资格的一种。9.Hiking (徒步旅行) - 进行长时间步行的活动,尤其是穿越乡村地区。10.Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡) - 南非的一个城市。Mish 的簡介:Michelle Cachucho - Energy Coach & Integrator.Website - www.riseupin.loveInsta - @rise.upinlove

1554 你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?

1554 你生命中的什么关系让你觉得最丰富?
