1553 今天的你很感谢过去冒过什么险?|感恩日记挑战开始啦!


Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐!现在就到flywithlily.com/30 参加我们的30日挑战,让Lily做你一整年的生活、商业、和英语教练!Day 5: What risk are you most grateful for having taken?第五天:过去有做过什么樣冒险的事讓今天的你很感谢有付诸行动?Hello. You're listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend, Andres. I'm from Colombia. I'm in Bucaramanga now because that's where I live. I'm a Spanish teacher, and in my free time, I love to play basketball. My dream is to travel the world and help others learn Spanish. Today I'm asked a question by Lily. The question is, what risk are you most grateful for having taken? I think that the risk that I took a couple of years ago when I was actually in high school, and I had to decide if I wanted to become, like, the class president, right? And at the time, I was a very shy person. And I remember a friend told me, hey, Andres, why don't you try to become class president? And I wanted to, so I ended up giving it a shot, and I ended up becoming class president, even though no one else ran with me, I ran by myself. And it was a really nice experience, because I had to speak in public, I had to speak to all the classrooms. I had to speak in front of the whole school, practically. And it really helped me break out of my shell. So I think that's the thing that I am most grateful for having taken is that risk. That's it. Thank you for listening.你好。你正在收听《学英语环游世界》。我是你的新朋友安德烈斯。我来自哥伦比亚,目前居住在布卡拉曼加。我是一名西班牙语老师,业余时间喜欢打篮球。我的梦想是环游世界并帮助其他人学习西班牙语。今天,莉莉提出了一个问题:你最感激自己曾经冒过的风险是什么?我回想起几年前在高中时曾经冒过的风险,那时我必须决定是否要竞选班级主席。当时,我是一个非常害羞的人。一个朋友建议我:“嘿,安德烈斯,为什么不试试成为班级主席呢?”我很感兴趣,于是我决定一试,尽管没有其他人和我一同竞选,我是唯一的候选人。结果证明这是一次宝贵的经历。我不得不在公共场合演讲,对所有教室发表讲话,甚至在整个学校面前演讲。尽管一开始很有挑战,但这是一段有意义的旅程,帮助我打破了自己的局限。因此,我最感激自己曾经冒险竞选班级主席。就是这样。谢谢你的倾听。

1553 今天的你很感谢过去冒过什么险?|感恩日记挑战开始啦!

1553 今天的你很感谢过去冒过什么险?|感恩日记挑战开始啦!
