Beginner | 你怎么突然换发型了? | Why did you suddenly change your hairstyle? | Mandarin Chinese Story


Gao Yue noticed that Zhang Li had changed her hairstyle. Zhang Li explained that she changed her hairstyle because her supervisor said that her hairstyle was not suitable for her work at school.Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, etc.Got a question or comment? Reach out to us at contact[at]

Beginner | 你怎么突然换发型了? | Why did you suddenly change your hairstyle? | Mandarin Chinese Story

Beginner | 你怎么突然换发型了? | Why did you suddenly change your hairstyle? | Mandarin Chinese Story
