Advanced | 用户平均每天使用Temu的时间已经超过使用亚马逊的了 | Users are already using Temu longer than they use Amazon on an average day | Mandarin Chinese Story


The average length of time that US users use Temu already exceeds that of Amazon and AliExpress. According to statistics, the average user spends more than 20 minutes a day on Temu, while the average time people spend on Amazon and AliExpress is 10 minutes and 11 minutes respectively.Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, etc.Got a question or comment? Reach out to us at contact[at]

Advanced | 用户平均每天使用Temu的时间已经超过使用亚马逊的了 | Users are already using Temu longer than they use Amazon on an average day | Mandarin Chinese Story

Advanced | 用户平均每天使用Temu的时间已经超过使用亚马逊的了 | Users are already using Temu longer than they use Amazon on an average day | Mandarin Chinese Story
