Intermediate | 给自己设计房间让年轻人有了抒发情感的出口 | Designing a room for yourself gives young people an outlet for their emotions | Mandarin Chinese Story


In big cities, many young people rent apartments and still express their preferences in limited spaces. Some use decorations, while others create furniture. They feel stressed in the city, and designing their rooms gives them an emotional outlet. Despite frequent moves, they are willing to spend money on their spaces.Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, etc.Got a question or comment? Reach out to us at contact[at]

Intermediate | 给自己设计房间让年轻人有了抒发情感的出口 | Designing a room for yourself gives young people an outlet for their emotions | Mandarin Chinese Story

Intermediate | 给自己设计房间让年轻人有了抒发情感的出口 | Designing a room for yourself gives young people an outlet for their emotions | Mandarin Chinese Story
