Beginner | 你在房间里喷香水了吗? | Did you spray perfume on your room? | Mandarin Chinese Story


Gao Jin is at Li Yang's house. He smells a very special odor at the door of Li Yang's room, so he asks Li Yang if he sprayed perfume.Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, etc.Got a question or comment? Reach out to us at contact[at]

Beginner | 你在房间里喷香水了吗? | Did you spray perfume on your room? | Mandarin Chinese Story

Beginner | 你在房间里喷香水了吗? | Did you spray perfume on your room? | Mandarin Chinese Story
