Advanced | 【对话】你的时代就要来了! | [Conversation] Your time is coming! | Mandarin Chinese Story


Wang Jun, a colleague of Lin Meng and Zhang Jun was finally promoted. Although Wang Jun was very good at his job, he hadn't been promoted because he disliked the way his former leader worked. Now, Wang Jun's previous leader has left the group. Wang Jun has been promoted as a result.Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, etc.Got a question or comment? Reach out to us at contact[at]

Advanced | 【对话】你的时代就要来了! | [Conversation] Your time is coming! | Mandarin Chinese Story

Advanced | 【对话】你的时代就要来了! | [Conversation] Your time is coming! | Mandarin Chinese Story
