I Still Believe - Milk - Part 2c // 私はそれでも信じる - ミルク - パート2c


We need to keep the faith when things are going well and when things seem to be going bad. We learn about four things today that can try to hinder us from believing God. In every season of life we can have faith in God because He never changes and He's always faithful!
Message by Ps ____ for Paz Church at Paz Coffee Shop in Noborito on August 21, 2022.
Message notes are available on our app at https://tithely.app.link/paz-church.
今日、パズチャーチアプリをダウンロードしよう!メッセージノート、礼拝のメッセージ、ワーシップビデオ、パズキッズビデオなど、いろいろなコンテンツがあります!是非チェックしてみてください! https://tithely.app.link/paz-church-japanese.

I Still Believe - Milk - Part 2c // 私はそれでも信じる - ミルク - パート2c

I Still Believe - Milk - Part 2c // 私はそれでも信じる - ミルク - パート2c
