Encountering the Lord Jesus! // 主イエスと出会う!



最新のパズキッズの動画はこちらからご覧ください。   / @pazkids8696  


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今日、パズチャーチアプリをダウンロードしよう!メッセージノート、礼拝のメッセージ、ワーシップビデオ、パズキッズビデオなど、いろいろなコンテンツがあります!是非チェックしてみてください! https://tithely.app.link/paz-church-j...

私たちに興味がある方はinfo@pazchurch.com までご連絡ください!

コメントや個人的な質問、PAZ Church Lineのグループへの参加は、こちらからお願いします: https://lin.ee/ngolxL3

Welcome! We'd love for you to comment where you're watching from!

Check out our latest Paz Kids videos here!    / @pazkids8696  

If you would like to join the PAZ Kids Line Group please do so here: https://lin.ee/B5lAYxJ

If you want to give your tithe or offering, go here: https://tithe.ly/give?c=196796

Download our Paz Church app today to check out the message notes, today’s service, get access to worship videos, Paz Kids videos, and more! https://tithely.app.link/paz-church

If you would like to connect with us about anything please send us an email to info@pazchurch.com!

To comment or ask a question privately or join the PAZ Church Line group, please do that here: https://lin.ee/ngolxL3

Encountering the Lord Jesus! // 主イエスと出会う!

Encountering the Lord Jesus! // 主イエスと出会う!
