90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 and the White Terror


In this episode I talk about the contemporary history of Taiwan, which covers Japanese colonialism(1895-1945), the KMT (aka Chinese Nationalist Party)’s brutal rule: 228 Massacre(1947) and 38-year-long martial law period (aka the White Terror, 1947-1987). I also discuss the complexity of Taiwanese people’s identity. 本集談談台灣悲慘的歷史:日本殖民時期、國民黨來台後的228事件大屠殺、長達三十八年的戒嚴/白色恐怖時期,以及台灣人複雜的身份認同。
📍 Transcript and Reference 逐字稿&參考資料: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/2023/04/05/taiwan-history/
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90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 and the White Terror

90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 and the White Terror
