

关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周一到周五早上的英语主播分享干货多多,不容错过~~A: Why did Tom quit the job? 为什么汤姆辞职?B: He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley. 他说他现在的工作没有发展。A: If he does not change his attitude towards his work, I don't think a new job can make any difference.如果他不改变对工作的态度,就算换份工作也不会有什么不同。Blind alleyThe thief ran into a blind alley and was cornered by the police.小偷跑进了死胡同里,被警察逼得走投无路。The team spent weeks working on a solution that turned out to be a blind alley, and they had to start over.这个团队花了数周时间研究一个解决方案,结果证明是个死胡同,他们不得不重新开始。The startup invested heavily in a new technology that turned out to be a blind alley.这家初创公司投入巨资于一项新技术,最终被证明是死胡同。make a difference有影响;有所作为Small actions can make a difference.小的行动会带来改变。Whether I go or not doesn't make any difference to the outcome.我去不去对结果都没有任何影响。Does it make any difference if I study for the test in the library or at home?我在图书馆还是在家学习对考试有影响吗?


