1657 当别人误解你的时候,你都怎么面对的?|自我觉察挑战|Day 13


今日格言Each man has his own universe inside him. —Hermann Hesse 每个人的心中都有一个宇宙。—赫曼·黑塞Day 13 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with being misperceived or misunderstood?我是如何处理被误解或误会?In the past, when faced with misunderstandings, I usually got very angry, and it was easy for these misunderstandings to affect my friendship. Now, I handle misunderstandings more calmly and try to explain the situation. For example, recently in Chiang Mai, a friend misunderstood that I was mocking her. After explaining the misunderstanding, everything was fine, and we have become even better friends now. Understanding is key!以前面对误会通常都是很生气,也很容易在这些误解的情况下影响彼此的友谊。现在面对误会会比较冷静后然后去解释误会,例如最近在清迈的时候,朋友误解我在嘲笑她,后来经过解释之后就没事,而且我们现在变成更好的朋友。理解万岁!“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载过去的现在的所有挑战

1657 当别人误解你的时候,你都怎么面对的?|自我觉察挑战|Day 13

1657 当别人误解你的时候,你都怎么面对的?|自我觉察挑战|Day 13
