【口语版】Planting Flowers养花


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语口语直播分享(超多干货分享)Bill comes to visit Steven. Steven is talking about his flowers in the garden with Bill.比尔来拜访史蒂文,史蒂文正在花园里和比尔谈论他养的花。A: Oh, what a beautiful garden.哦,好漂亮的花园啊。B: These are my roses. The roses have been in flower for a week. 这些是我种的玫瑰,这些玫瑰已经开了一星期了。A: The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. You must have a lot of pleasure in planting flowers.玫瑰花开时,园内美丽诱人。你一定因为养花而获得了不少乐趣吧。B: Yes, you're right. I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. I take care of my flowers every day as if they are my good friends.是啊,你说对了。我爱花,所以也爱养花。我得天天照顾我的花,就像朋友似的关心它们。A: You did a good job, but I got tired of working in the garden. 你太棒了,我对养花已经厌倦了。B: Oh, I see. People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well. I can help you learn more if you want to plant flowers one day. In this way, you need not be afraid of your own sweet flower garden's being neglected. 我明白。不懂花性的人可养不好花。如果你有一天想养花,我可以帮你多了解它们,这样你就不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会被荒废了。讲解:plant/grow flowers种花;养花例句:I love to plant flowers in my garden.我喜欢在我的花园里种花。It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers.种花给了我很大的乐趣。be in flower/bloom开花的;盛开的例句:The roses are in flower early this year.今年玫瑰花开得很早。The apple trees are in bloom.苹果树正在开花。have a lot of pleasure in doing sth做某事有很多乐趣例句:I have a lot of pleasure in doing exercise.做运动给我带来了很多乐趣。He must have a lot of pleasure in taking care of his pets.照顾他的宠物一定带给他不少欢乐。take to开始养成(某种习惯);喜欢上例句:After a few weeks of practice, I finally took to playing the guitar.经过几周的训练,我终于养成了弹吉他的习惯。It took me a while to take to my new job, but now I love it and can't imagine doing anything else.我花了一段时间才开始我的新工作,但现在我喜欢它,无法想象做其他事情。get tired of对...变得厌倦(对某事失去兴趣和耐心)例句:I'm getting tired of eating the same thing every day.我厌倦了每天吃同样的食物。I got tired of all these meetings.我厌倦了这些会议。need not do不必;无须need not=needn't,后面接动词原形。need not/needn't在句子中可以和not need to do进行转换例句:We need not hurry. We have plenty of time.我们不需要着急,我们有很多时间。=We don't need to hurry...You needn't pay for tonight's dinner, it's on me.你不需要付今晚的饭钱,我请客。=You don't need to pay for tonight's dinner...neglect疏于照管;忽视;忽略neglect sth...疏于照顾...neglect to do...忽视做某事例句:The garden has been neglected for years.这个花园已经好几年无人照看了。He was so busy that he neglected his health.他太忙了以至于无法顾及健康。Don't neglect to take good care of your teeth.别忽略了保护牙齿。

【口语版】Planting Flowers养花

【口语版】Planting Flowers养花
