【口语版】National Day国庆节


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语直播分享(超多干货分享)The National Day is drawing closer. Steven and Bill will have a week off. They're talking about the plans for the holiday.国庆节就要到了,史蒂文和比尔将会有一周的假,他们在讨论假期的计划。A: The National Day is coming. What are you going to do during the holiday? 国庆节要到了,你假期准备做什么?B: I have no idea. 我还没有想到。A: Why don't you go sightseeing? 为什么不去旅游呢?B: It isn't a good time because there must be many tourists in the scenic spots. What about your plans? 现在不是好时候,因为旅游景点的人肯定很多,你打算做什么呢?A: I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest.我打算在家待七天,好好休息休息。讲解:draw closer靠近(逐渐接近或移动到某个位置)同义词:approachcome例句:The final exam is drawing closer/approaching/coming.期末考试快要到了。have+一段时间+off有一段时间的休假例句:I will have two days off next month.下个月我有两天假期。We're going to have seven days off for National Day.国庆我们有七天假期。take+一段时间+off请一段时间假期(强调请假这个动作)例句:I'm going to take a week off to visit my family.我要休假一周去看望我的家人。You need a break. Why not take a few days off?你需要休息。为什么不请几天假?have no idea不知道例句:I have no idea how to deal with this issue.我不知道如何处理这个问题。He has no idea how to run a business.他不懂如何经营企业。go sightseeing旅游观光(到某个地方旅游名胜古迹或风景)例句:We plan to go sightseeing in Paris next week.我们计划下周去巴黎观光。We are planning to go bike riding and go sightseeing.我们打算骑自行车兜风,观光旅游。scenic spot旅游景点;风景名胜例句:We visited several scenic spots during our vacation.我们在假期参观了几个风景名胜。This scenic spot is really worth seeing.这个旅游景点真的值得一看。intend to计划;打算做某事例句:I intend to go on a vacation with my family and spend some quality time with them.我打算和家人一起度假,和他们共度美好时光。I intend to start a side business and make some extra money.我打算找一个副业,赚点额外收入。have a good rest好好休息例句:After a long day of work, it's important to have a good rest.工作了一整天后,好好休息很重要。You should have a good rest. Don't push yourself so hard.你应该好好休息。不要逼自己太紧。

【口语版】National Day国庆节

【口语版】National Day国庆节
