

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多,不容错过~~A: I hear you're looking for a job. 我听说你在找工作。B: Yeah. 是的。A: There's a job opening in my company. It will suit you very well. 我们公司有个职位缺口,而且你再合适不过了。B: That's good news. Do you know anyone who could throw his weight around for me? 好消息,但是你知道谁能帮我使劲吗?A: You may ask Linda. The general manager is her brother-in- law. Maybe she could put in her two cents. But you should keep it to yourself. Nobody else knows the general manager is her brother-in-law.你可以去问琳达,总经理是她的姐夫,也许她能为你说句好话,但是你要保密,公司里没有其他人知道总经理是她的姐夫。throw one's weight around依仗权势;滥用权力;耍大牌He always throws his weight around in the office, making everyone feel uncomfortable.他总是在办公室耍大牌,让每个人都感到不舒服。The new manager likes to throw his weight around, bossing everyone around without considering their feelings.新经理喜欢依仗权势,随意指挥别人而不考虑他们的感受。put in one's two cents发表意见;给出看法I don't know much about art, but let me put in my two cents.我对艺术不了解,但让我发表一下我的看法。I just wanted to put in my two cents about the new project.我只是想就新项目发表一下意见。keep it to yourself保守秘密I can tell you that, but you must keep it to yourself.我可以告诉你,不过你必须保守秘密。keep the secrets


【口语版】Good Neighbours好邻居
