【口语版】 Birthday Presents生日礼物


欢迎关注微信公号号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的免费英语直播分享。Steven bought a beautiful dress for his wife Julia as a birthday present. Now Steven is showing it to Julia. 史蒂文为妻子茱莉亚买了一条漂亮的连衣裙作为她的生日礼物。现在史蒂文正在把这条裙子拿给他妻子看。A: Darling, this dress is for you, I hope you like it. 亲爱的,这条连衣裙是买给你的,希望你喜欢。B: Oh, very beautiful. Thank you, Steven, I like it very much. 太漂亮了。谢谢你,史蒂文,我很喜欢。A: Your birthday is coming and I think this dress suits you. Why not try it now?你的生日快到了,我想这条连衣裙适合你。为什么不试穿一下呢?B: My birthday present? I can't help telling you that I'm a happy woman, darling. I will come back soon. It fits me exactly. How does it look like?我的生日礼物?亲爱的,我都忍不住告诉你,我是一个幸福的女人了。我马上回来。它很合身,看起来怎么样?A: It displays your slender figure, Darling.亲爱的,它衬托出了你苗条的身材。B: The most important thing is that you bought it for me. I am happy that you know my size and style.最重要的是它是你买给我的,很高兴你知道我的尺寸和风格。讲解:buy sth for sb/buy sb sth给某人买东西buy的过去式是bought例句:He bought me a new coat.=He bought a new coat for me.他给我买了一件新衣服。I bought a gift for my friend as his birthday present.我给我朋友买了一个礼物作为他的生日礼物。suit(尤指颜色,款式)合身;相配例句:Yellow suits you. You should wear it more often.黄色很适合你。你应该多穿黄色衣服。This shirt doesn't suit me. 这件衬衫的款式不太适合我。The tie you're wearing doesn't suit you very well, but it matches your shirt.你戴的领带不太适合你,但是我认为它与你的衬衫很配。can't help doing忍不住做某事;不由自主的做某事例句:I can't help staying up to watch the movie.我忍不住熬夜看那部电影。I can't help smiling when I see her.我看到她就忍不住笑。He can't help checking his phone every few minutes.他每几分钟就忍不住看一下手机。fit指衣服尺码,大小的适合例句:This shirt doesn't fit me. It's too small.这件衬衫不适合我。这件太小了。The shoes doesn't fit. Do you have a bigger size?这鞋子大小不适合我。你们有大一码的吗?slender苗条的;纤细的例句:She's got a beautiful slender figure.她身材优美苗条。The dark jeans with that belt display your slender waist.深色牛仔裤配上那条腰带凸显了你的苗条的腰身。

【口语版】 Birthday Presents生日礼物

【口语版】 Birthday Presents生日礼物
