【发音版】Opening An Account开一个银行账户


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目会弹出一个课程二维码长按直接进入句子跟读课程Steven has been waiting for the service for a few minutes now. It's his turn to handle his business. 史蒂文等候业务办理有几分钟了,现在轮到他办理了。A: Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,你要办理什么业务?B: Um, hello, I would like to open an account.你好,我想要开一个账户。A: Okay, what kind of account do you want to open?好的,你想开哪种账户?B: I want to open a current account. 我想开一个活期账户。A: I will open it for you right now. 我马上为您办理。B: What's the minimum deposit for opening a current account?开一个活期存款账户的最低存款额是多少?A: It's ten Yuan. How much money do you want to deposit? 10元就可以了,您要存多少钱?B: Well, here's 3000 Yuan. 我要存3000元。A: Please write down your name, address and the amount of your deposit here. And please choose a passcode of six numbers and confirm it. 请在这里写下你的名字、地址,还有你的存款金额。设置一个6位数的密码并确认。B: Okay, here you are. 好的,给你。A: Thank you. Please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank.谢谢,请确认你的信息,并在空白处签字。B: Done. What else should I do? 好了,我还要做什么吗?A: That's all. Here's your bank card and here's the certificate of deposit. Bring your bank card with you every time you come to deposit or withdraw money. 可以了,这是您的银行卡,这是存款证明。你每次来银行存钱或取钱时,请带着这个银行卡。B: Okay, thanks. Goodbye.好的,谢谢你,再见。A: Bye.再见。

【发音版】Opening An Account开一个银行账户

【发音版】Opening An Account开一个银行账户
