Shameless Sisters | 面对hustle culture你是选择被卷还是躺平


上海这两天台风,好多人都在家办公,突然发现,原来节奏慢一点,给自己喘口气,可以带来那么多的收获,比在办公室跟着一起“内卷”舒服多了!越来越多的人选择“躺平”,那你呢?本周要推荐给你一部新的美剧,叫《Modern Love》,其实也不算新,只是出了第二季,它是根据纽约时报的同名专栏改编的一系列爱情故事,每一集都是独立的,最让人惊喜的是有《权力的游戏》中Jon Snow的扮演者Kit Harington出演了其中一集,也是贝贝个人最喜欢的一集,强烈推荐大家去看!Stop what you're doing, grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and come take a break with us. If you've been feeling burn out, tired or unmotivated, this is the episode for you. We discuss the once admirable 'hustle culture' where the more hours you worked equalled the more successful you were and how this could potentially be a toxic work culture. Our parents hustled to give us better lives, but do we need to keep hustlin' as LMFAO once said 'everyday I'm hustlin'? Or do we actually work better in a less stressful environment where we get enough sleep?!Something else to take your mind off work, we recommend Modern Love Season 2. A whole new group of people with stories that show love comes in all forms and stages of life. What does 'modern love' mean to you?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:   邮箱 来这里找Jenny玩:  Instagram: @jennyjzhou 微博: @弄堂里的Jenny Vlog视频:  B站:  来这里找贝贝玩:  Instagram: @irisuperwoman  微博: @贝贝iRIs 

Shameless Sisters | 面对hustle culture你是选择被卷还是躺平

Shameless Sisters | 面对hustle culture你是选择被卷还是躺平
