

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩 歌曲 : Bana Ellerini Ver梅莉在澳洲一个月了,初到澳洲的一个月,她在澳洲经历了4个culture shocks(文化冲击)。1. 文化冲击一:Not wearing shoes光脚走路In Australia it is normal in cities close to the coast for people to not wear shoes. 在澳洲的沿海城市,很多人不穿鞋是很正常的。就连去商场这种人多的地方,也有光脚不穿鞋的,梅莉前不久就见到了:梅莉和室友drove from their flat to the store(驾车去商场),刚一到那儿,她们就看到one of them didn’t have any shoes on(有人光着脚)。当时,梅莉的反应是:so shocked(大吃一惊)!但其他人,看到有人光脚逛商场,他们的反应是:very normal, nobody was shocked or anything… 太常见了,这有啥好惊讶的?还有一次,就在上周,梅莉was at a coffee shop(咖啡店),and again she saw a man walking around with no shoes(又见到不穿鞋的了)。就连咖啡厅,也会有人光脚,看来,澳洲的沿海城市,光脚走路的确是寻常现象。2. 文化冲击二:Mullet Hairstyle  Mullet发型It is a haircut that a lot of Australians have. 这是在澳洲超级流行的发型。Mullet发型是什么样呢?这种发型,hair is long at the back(后面头发很长),trimmed short on the sides and front(前面和两侧则是很短的短发)。有人把这种发型叫做"business in the front, party in the back" haircut(前面商务,后面party发型)。This was a hairstyle that was very popular in the past like the 80s. 这种发型在西方80年代那会儿特流行,是old-fashion了,但为什么在澳洲开始流行了呢?Because several popular Australian sports athletes have this haircut. 因为澳洲的运动明星都留这种发型。3. 文化冲击三:Surfing before class课前冲浪Australia is known for its surfing. 众所周知,澳洲以冲浪而闻名。梅莉所住的 student residence(学生宿舍)is 10 minutes walking distance from the beach(离海滩走路10分钟的距离)。梅莉很喜欢going to the beach and watching the sunrise(去沙滩赏日出),而且还可以在海滩感受澳洲的冲浪文化。这样的生活,so amazing!而且,重要的是,this is every day of the week(这是他们的日常)。梅莉就有朋友,go every day around 6am for a surf(每天早上6点左右去冲浪)。梅莉很多同学他们早上的routine是:go for a surf,然后get breakfast,然后head to class(去上课)。People will also go surfing in the evening during sunset after class if the waves are good.如果海浪很好,人们也会在傍晚放学后,趁着日落去冲浪。That’s so relaxing! Surfing is definitely a big part of the culture! 冲浪绝对是澳洲文化的重要组成部分!They are so good at it. 冲浪,应该是澳洲人从小就已经习得的技能,他们都很擅长。4. 文化冲击四:Drinking very early in the day白天很早就喝酒澳洲的饮酒文化,与其他文化不同的是:Australian college students start drinking very early in the day. 大白天的就喝酒。到底有多早呢?On days where they go out at night they start drinking pretty normally as early as 3pm.晚上出去玩的话,下午三点就开喝了。They go to get some beers at a pub(先在酒馆里拿些啤酒), then head back to go to a pre-game where they drink some more before a party(然后就是party前的预备活动,他们会喝一点). 再之后,有party,还有after party,然后还有after after party。That would be a pretty intense night out. 澳洲酒场开始的这么早的话,结束的也会很早。Parties tend to end very early here. 派对往往会很早就结束了。If you do not go to after parties, you can be home by midnight easily. 只要你不去after party,还有after after party的话,一般不会搞到下半夜。澳洲酒文化,跟欧美的确不一样,咱们之前节目中讲过西方酒文化,在欧美文化中,白天喝酒会被鄙视的。请留言告诉我们:对于梅莉感受到的四大澳洲文化冲击,您有什么想说的吗?


