

⭐認真聽節目拿大禮《熊星人和地球人──你說!誰是好人?》🥳  即日起至 8/13 止,只有五天,動作快! (活動方式若有變動請以粉絲團公告為主)按讚兒童世界報報臉書粉絲團 公開分享本集新聞貼文,鼓勵親朋好友去看戲語音留言 shouout 寄至 broadcastforkids@gmail.com將有三位幸運聽眾,各可獲得四張門票贈票場次:8月19日 11:00演出詳情:https://reurl.cc/AAek38 節目最後,由Junior 特派員Daphne姊姊英語報導再生能源,別錯過囉! 英文稿在這兒: Hi, I’m Daphne! This summer I took a course on renewable energy, and I would like to share what it is, and why it is becoming more important in our lives ! Right now, fossil fuels supply the majority of our world’s energy. This is a problem, because fossil fuels emit Carbon Dioxide, which causes the earth act like a greenhouse. Greenhouses have the ability to trap heat inside and are used to grow plants when it can be really cold. But, when the earth becomes more and more like a greenhouse it heats up and makes the earth's temperatures rise. This is called global warming, which is an aspect of climate change.  So, now we know that although fossil fuels are useful in helping us fuel our cars, and use electricity for our daily life things, they are extremely bad for the environment.  Besides that, fossil fuels, which consist of natural gas, oil, and coal are considered non renewable energies. This means that it is not an unlimited energy source, and once used up, it is gone. Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals, and take millions of years of pressure to turn into fossil fuels. Currently, we are using fossil fuels way too fast, and these fossil fuels are not being replenished at the same rate. So, one day we will run out of fossil fuels. THis means that not only are fossil fuels bad for the environment, they are also non renewable, so we need to find other sources of energy that can help power the world! This is where renewable energy comes in. Renewable energy is a type of energy that uses sources that can be replenished faster than they are used, so they never run out. They are also better for the environment because they do not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.There are many different types of renewable energy. For example, solar energy! Solar energy is a type of renewable energy, because it uses sun rays, which can be used over and over again. There are also other types of renewable energy, such as wind energy, tidal energy, and more!  In my class, my final project was to choose a country and convert their fossil fuel energy into a mix of solar or wind energy. I initially wanted to choose Taiwan, but because we have such a large semiconductor industry, and we do not use a lot of renewable energy, my teacher asked me to choose a different country. In the end I chose Belgium! Belgium does not have a lot of sun, so I mostly implemented wind energy in the country.  But, since Taiwan is so hot, I would probably implement more solar panels here so we can harness solar energy from the sun! Thank you for listening to me, and I hope we can continue to all learn more about the environment and what we can do to help! ▌幫助節目走更遠更久 1️⃣ 一分鐘問卷回饋 https://forms.gle/poLauJZixdbhsCC66 🔥 贊助支持送屏大薄鹽醬油 https://open.firstory.me/join/broadcast4kids 👩‍💻 合作洽談 broadcastforkids@gmail.com ☕️ 來找我們玩 https://www.facebook.com/broadcast4kids 🧑‍🤝‍🧑分享節目給更多人 https://open.firstory.me/user/broadcast4kids/platforms #bilingual Powered by Firstory Hosting


