1690(英语)当杂乱结束时,平静开始|简化生活挑战|Day 7


Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。)Intro:"Welcome to Day 7 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we begin with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and share some personal experiences. The goal is to help you find inner peace and happiness by simplifying your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第7天!每天,我们会从一句启发人心的名言开始,然后反思一个问题,接着分享一些个人的经历。这一切都是为了帮助你找到内心的平静,通过简化你的生活来提升幸福感。”Quote:"Today's quote is: 'Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) This quote tells us that by eliminating clutter from our lives, we can create a more peaceful and serene state of mind."名言:“今天的名言是:『当杂乱结束时,平静开始。』这句话告诉我们,通过清除生活中的杂乱,我们可以创造出一个更平静、更安宁的心境。”Question:"Today's question is: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' (当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?)"问题:“今天的问题是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』”Femke's Answer:"Today, we have Femke from the Netherlands again, whom I met in Bali. I asked her the question: 'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' Here's what she shared:'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'"Femke的回答:“今天,我们再次邀请到来自荷兰的Femke,她也是我在巴厘岛认识的朋友。我问了她这个问题:『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』以下是她的回答:'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own mind is and how cluttered my own life is. So, I would like to feel more clear, have more clarity, feel more organized, and feel like everything has its place. I want to be able to find everything easily and not have too much stuff, keeping things minimalistic, which makes life easier.'"『当我看到杂乱的空间时,它会让我想到自己有多么混乱的思绪,还有我生活中的种种混乱。所以,我希望能感觉更加清晰,有更多的清晰感,感觉更有条理,感觉每样东西都有它的位置,可以很容易地找到东西,而且东西不会太多,保持一种极简的风格,这样生活会更轻松。』”Call to Action:"Now, it’s your turn! How do you feel when you see clutter in your home or workspace? How would you like to feel instead? Share your thoughts with us! You can leave your response on our social media or in the comments section of this episode. Let's explore together how decluttering can bring more peace and joy into our lives."行动呼吁:“现在,轮到你了!当你看到家里或工作中的杂乱时,你有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?分享你的想法吧!你可以在我们的社交媒体上或在这集节目的评论区留下你的回应。让我们一起探讨,如何通过清理杂乱来创造更多的平静和快乐。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to take your decluttering journey further and find peace by removing unnecessary clutter, join my online decluttering program. The program includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you clear the clutter and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好进一步改变生活,减少不必要的杂乱并找到内心的平静,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你清除生活中的杂乱,专注于真正重要的事物。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, peace begins when clutter ends. Let’s work together to clear the clutter in our lives and welcome more peace.结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,当杂乱结束时,平静就会开始。让我们一起努力,清除生活中的杂乱,迎接更多的平静。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第8天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1690(英语)当杂乱结束时,平静开始|简化生活挑战|Day 7

1690(英语)当杂乱结束时,平静开始|简化生活挑战|Day 7
