1688 (英语)东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6


『东西少了,自由多了。』Intro:"Welcome to Day 6 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we explore a thought-provoking quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share personal stories or experiences. The purpose is to inspire you to find freedom and joy by simplifying your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第6天!每天,我们会探索一句发人深省的名言,反思一个问题,然后分享一些个人故事或经历。目的是通过简化你的生活来激励你找到自由和快乐。”Quote:"Today’s quote is: 'Less stuff equals more freedom.' (东西少了,自由多了) This quote highlights the idea that by having fewer things, we can experience a greater sense of freedom. It’s a reminder that sometimes, letting go of excess can lead to a more fulfilling life."名言:“今天的名言是:'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『东西少了,自由多了。』这句话强调了这样一个观点:通过拥有更少的物品,我们可以体验到更大的自由感。这提醒我们,有时候放下多余的东西会带来更充实的生活。”Question:"Today's question is: 'What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?' (有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?)"问题:“今天的问题是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?』”Femke's Answer:"Today, we have a special guest, Femke from the Netherlands, whom I met in Bali. I asked her about the habits that might be weighing her down rather than lifting her up. Here’s what she shared:'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself.Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past.Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'"“今天,我们有一位特别来宾,来自荷兰的Femke,我在巴厘岛遇见了她。我问她有哪些习惯可能让她感到沉重而不是振奋。以下是她的分享:『对我来说,首先,我每两周参加一次心理治疗,但治疗需要每天练习一些练习,并且需要每天保持一致性,比如写感恩日记、思考特定问题或冥想。我没有一直坚持这些练习,而这正是我知道应该做得更多来振奋自己的事情。其次,我有时会思考过去的事情和困难的情况,甚至会重新体验它们。对我来说,更有益的是转换心态,多关注当下和未来,还有我的待办清单,这样可以帮助我达到我想要去的地方,而不是不断地思考过去发生的事情。最后,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打扫、吃饭或穿衣服时,我经常匆匆忙忙。这种匆忙让我错过了当下的感受,无法真正欣赏一顿美餐或一场有意义的对话。我需要更多地专注于当下,真正享受生活中的每个时刻。』”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn to reflect! What habits in your life might be weighing you down instead of lifting you up? Is there something you could change to feel lighter and more aligned with your true self? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. We’d love to hear from you and support each other on this journey to a freer and more joyful life."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你来反思了!生活中有哪些习惯可能让你感到沉重而不是振奋?是否有什么你可以改变的,以便感觉更轻松,更符合真正的自我?在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论区分享你的想法。我们很想听到你的意见,并在这个寻求更自由和快乐生活的旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to take the next step in decluttering not just your physical space but also your habits and routines, join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and group coaching sessions to help you identify and shed what no longer serves you. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好进一步清理,不仅仅是你的物理空间,还包括你的习惯和日常生活,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你辨别并摆脱不再服务于你的东西。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, less stuff equals more freedom. Let’s strive to let go of the things and habits that weigh us down and embrace the ones that lift us up. See you tomorrow for Day 7 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,东西少了,自由多了。让我们努力放下那些让我们感到沉重的事物和习惯,拥抱那些能让我们振奋的。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第7天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1688 (英语)东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6

1688 (英语)东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6
