1687 东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6


'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『东西少了,自由多了。』问题:“今天的问题是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?』”Femke的回答:'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily consistency, either through writing in a gratitude journal, thinking about specific questions, or meditating. I haven’t been as consistent with these exercises, and that’s something I know I should do more to uplift myself.Secondly, I tend to think about the past and past difficult situations, sometimes even reliving them. It would be more beneficial for me to switch my mindset and focus more on the present and the future, and my to-do list, to help me reach where I want to go, instead of constantly thinking about what has happened in the past.Lastly, I’ve noticed that in my daily routines, like cleaning, eating, or dressing, I often rush through things. This rushing causes me to miss out on being present and appreciating a good meal or a meaningful conversation. I need to be more mindful of the present and truly enjoy the moments in my life.'"“今天,我们有一位特别来宾,来自荷兰的Femke,我在巴厘岛遇见了她。我问她有哪些习惯可能让她感到沉重而不是振奋。以下是她的分享:『对我来说,首先,我每两周参加一次心理治疗,但治疗需要每天练习一些练习,并且需要每天保持一致性,比如写感恩日记、思考特定问题或冥想。我没有一直坚持这些练习,而这正是我知道应该做得更多来振奋自己的事情。其次,我有时会思考过去的事情和困难的情况,甚至会重新体验它们。对我来说,更有益的是转换心态,多关注当下和未来,还有我的待办清单,这样可以帮助我达到我想要去的地方,而不是不断地思考过去发生的事情。最后,我注意到在日常生活中,比如打扫、吃饭或穿衣服时,我经常匆匆忙忙。这种匆忙让我错过了当下的感受,无法真正欣赏一顿美餐或一场有意义的对话。我需要更多地专注于当下,真正享受生活中的每个时刻。』”单词记忆:1. Consistency(名词) - 一致性,持续性2. Gratitude(名词) - 感恩,感激3. Beneficial(形容词) - 有益的,有利的4. Relive(动词) - 重温,再体验5. Mindset(名词) - 思维方式,心态加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1687 东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6

1687 东西少了,自由多了|简化生活挑战|Day 6
