1686 (英语)美好生活的秘诀|简化生活挑战|Day 5


'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。Intro:"Welcome to Day 5 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Every day, we start with an insightful quote, reflect on a meaningful question, and I’ll share my personal experience. The goal is to help you identify areas of your life where you can let go and create space for what truly matters."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天简化生活挑战的第5天!每天,我们会以一句深刻的名言开始,反思一个有意义的问题,接着我会分享我的个人经历。目标是帮助你找到生活中可以放下的部分,为真正重要的事物创造空间。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.'This quote reminds us that a fulfilling life comes not from gathering more things but from letting go of what we don't need."名言:“今天的名言是:'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.『美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。』这句话提醒我们,充实的生活不在于收集更多的东西,而在于放下我们不需要的东西。”Question:"Today's question is:'What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'"问题:“今天的问题是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'"『生活中有哪些活动不再符合你的目标和价值观?』”Lily's Answer:"I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies and chocolate. Also, I want to be more mindful when I eat meals, paying attention to what I'm consuming. My goal is to feel lighter and healthier in my diet, just as I want my living space to be clutter-free and peaceful."“最近我一直在思考我的饮食习惯。我希望能选择更健康的零食,比如水果,而不是饼干和巧克力。此外,我想在吃饭时更加有意识,注意自己在吃什么。我的目标是让我的饮食也感觉更轻盈和健康,就像我希望我的生活空间保持整洁和平静一样。”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn! Consider the activities or habits in your life that might not align with your goals or values anymore. It could be certain foods you eat, how you spend your free time, or even the way you manage stress. Think about what you can change to feel more aligned with your true self. Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let’s support each other in our journey to live better and more intentionally."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!想想生活中那些可能已经不再符合你的目标或价值观的活动或习惯。可能是你吃的某些食物、你如何度过空闲时间,或者甚至是你管理压力的方式。想一想你可以做哪些改变,让自己更符合真实的自我。请在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论区分享你的想法。让我们在追求更好、更有意义的生活旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you’re ready to make bigger changes in your life, join my online Simplify Your Life program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and group coaching sessions that will help you shed the excess and focus on what truly matters. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!"特别优惠:“如果你准备好在生活中做出更大的改变,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括一个全面的PDF指南和小组辅导会议,帮助你减少过剩,专注于真正重要的事物。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并立即注册!”Outro:"Thank you for being with me today. Remember, the secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding what’s unnecessary. See you tomorrow for Day 6 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,幸福生活的秘密不在于积累更多,而在于减少不必要的事物。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第6天再会!”

1686 (英语)美好生活的秘诀|简化生活挑战|Day 5

1686 (英语)美好生活的秘诀|简化生活挑战|Day 5
