1684 (英语) 杂物不过是推迟的决定|简化生活挑战|Day 4


"Hello everyone, I have an exciting update! I’ve decided to change the name of our challenge from the 'Decluttering Challenge' to the 'Simplify Your Life Challenge.' The reason for this change is simple—I’ve realized that the word 'decluttering' is a bit tricky for me to say, and I want to make sure everything is as smooth and simple as possible for all of us.But don't worry, the focus of our challenge remains the same! We are still committed to helping you clear out the unnecessary, create more space, and make room for what truly matters in your life. The 'Simplify Your Life Challenge' is all about finding joy in simplicity and bringing more peace and happiness into your daily life.Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can’t wait to continue exploring ways to simplify and enhance our lives together!""大家好,我有一个令人兴奋的更新!我决定将我们的挑战名称从『断舍离挑战』改为『简化生活挑战』。这次更改的原因很简单——我发现『清理杂物』这个词对我来说有点难说,我希望能让所有一切变得尽可能流畅和简单。但是请不用担心,我们挑战的重点不会改变!我们仍然致力于帮助你清除不必要的东西,创造更多的空间,并为生活中真正重要的事物腾出位置。『简化生活挑战』旨在帮助你在简单中找到快乐,并为你的日常生活带来更多的平静和幸福。感谢你与我一同踏上这段旅程,我迫不及待地想要继续探索如何简化和提升我们的生活!"“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.' 『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』Intro:"Welcome to Day 4 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we begin with a meaningful quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. The goal is to inspire you to think about the things in your life that may be weighing you down and how to let go of them."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第4天!每天,我们会从一句有意义的名言开始,反思一个问题,然后我会分享我的个人想法。目标是激励你思考生活中可能会拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它们。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'This quote encourages us to think about the choices we delay making, which can often lead to clutter in our lives."名言:“今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』这句话鼓励我们思考那些我们推迟做出的选择,这些选择往往会导致我们生活中的杂乱。”Question:"Let's explore today’s question:'Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?'"问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”『是否有一些你因为内疚或责任而保留的物品?』”Lily's Answer:"Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision."“是的,实际上我家里有一些来自健康保险局的文件。我需要支付一些欠款,这些文件上有一些可以扫描支付的代码。不过,当我写这些的时候,我突然意识到,我其实可以直接把钱转到他们提供的银行账户上,然后把这些文件丢掉。这个简单的领悟显示出,有时候我们只是因为尚未做决定而不必要地保留了一些东西。”Call to Action:"Now it’s your turn! Think about the things you're holding onto because of guilt or obligation. It could be old letters, unused gifts, or documents that you think you need to keep. Take a moment to consider if they are truly necessary or if you can find a way to let go of them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please share them on our social media platforms or in the comments below this episode. Let's work together to clear the clutter and make room for what truly matters."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!想想那些你因为内疚或责任而保留的物品。它可能是旧信件、用不上的礼物,或者你觉得需要保留的文件。花点时间考虑它们是否真的必要,或者你是否可以找到一种方法放下它们。我很希望听到你的想法和经历。请在我们的社交媒体平台或这集节目的评论区分享。让我们一起清理杂物,为真正重要的事情腾出空间。”Special Offer:"If you’re looking for more guidance on how to declutter your space and life, join my online Simplify your Life program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. Together, we can tackle your clutter and create a more peaceful and fulfilling environment. Visit our website to learn more and sign up."特别优惠:“如果你需要更多关于如何清理空间和生活的指导,欢迎加入我的在线清理杂物课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议的机会。我们可以一起解决你的杂物问题,创造一个更加平静和满足的环境。请访问我们的网站了解更多信息并注册。”Outro:"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, clutter is often just a sign of postponed decisions. Let’s start making those decisions now. See you tomorrow for Day 5 of our Simplify Your Life challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,杂物往往只是推迟的决定的标志。让我们从现在开始做出那些决定吧。明天见,我们的清理杂物挑战第5天再会!”

1684 (英语) 杂物不过是推迟的决定|简化生活挑战|Day 4

1684 (英语) 杂物不过是推迟的决定|简化生活挑战|Day 4
