1682(英语) 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3


"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow."“简化生活,快乐自然增长。”Intro:"Welcome to Day 3 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I’ll share my own answer. My hope is that these reflections will inspire you to make positive changes in your life."开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第3天!每天,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个引人深思的问题,接着我会分享我的答案。我希望这些反思能激励你在生活中做出积极的改变。”Quote:"Today’s quote is:'Simplify your life and watch your joy grow.'This powerful message encourages us to see the connection between simplicity and happiness."名言:“今天的名言是:『简化生活,快乐自然增长。』这句强而有力的话告诉我们,简单与快乐之间有着密切的关联。”Question:"Let’s dive into today’s question:'How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"物品上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态?』”Lily's Answer:"When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace."“在我年轻的时候,我的空间总是非常杂乱。直到我年纪稍长,开始和男朋友同住,我才开始注意到差别。我的男朋友们通常比我更爱干净,他们教会了我很多关于保持环境整洁的知识。现在,当我待在一个杂物较少的空间里时,我感觉非常好。这就像是卸下了一个重担,让我感到更加平静和安详。”Call to Action:"Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about how physical clutter impacts your mental and emotional well-being. Does it make you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious? Or maybe a clutter-free environment brings you peace and joy? Share your thoughts with us on social media or in the comments below this episode. Let's learn from each other and support one another on this journey to a simpler, more joyful life."行动呼吁:“现在轮到你了!花些时间思考一下,物理上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态。它会让你感到压力、过于紧张,还是焦虑?或者,干净整洁的环境会带给你平静和快乐?请在我们的社交媒体上或这集节目的评论中分享你的想法。让我们一起学习并在这段追求更简单、更快乐生活的旅程中互相支持。”Special Offer:"If you're ready to dig deeper and truly transform your space, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. We’ll work together to create a space that brings you joy and calm. Visit our website to find out more and sign up."特别优惠:“如果你准备好更深入地探索并真正改造你的空间,我邀请你加入我的在线断舍离课程。课程包括详细的PDF指南和小组辅导会议的机会。我们将共同努力,创造一个带给你快乐和宁静的空间。请访问我们的网站flywithlily.com了解更多信息并注册。”Outro:"Thank you for tuning in today. Remember, by simplifying our lives, we can watch our joy grow. See you tomorrow for Day 4 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾:“感谢你今天的收听。记住,通过简化我们的生活,我们可以看到快乐的成长,Simplify your life and watch your joy grow. 明天见,我们的断舍离挑战第4天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1682(英语) 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3

1682(英语) 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3
