1681 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3


"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow."“简化生活,快乐自然增长。”开场白:“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第3天!每天,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个引人深思的问题,接着我会分享我的答案。我希望这些反思能激励你在生活中做出积极的改变。”名言:“今天的名言是:『简化生活,快乐自然增长。』这句强而有力的话告诉我们,简单与快乐之间有着密切的关联。”问题:“让我们来探讨今天的问题:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'"物品上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态?』”Lily的回答:"When I was younger, I used to have really cluttered space. I didn’t start to tell the difference until I got older and started living with a boyfriend. My boyfriends were usually tidier than I was, and they taught me a lot about maintaining a clean and tidy environment. Now, I feel great when I stay in a space with less physical clutter. It’s like a weight has been lifted, making me feel calmer and more at peace."“在我年轻的时候,我的空间总是非常杂乱。直到我年纪稍长,开始和男朋友同住,我才开始注意到差别。我的男朋友们通常比我更爱干净,他们教会了我很多关于保持环境整洁的知识。现在,当我待在一个杂物较少的空间里时,我感觉非常好。这就像是卸下了一个重担,让我感到更加平静和安详。”单词记忆:Cluttered (形容词) - 杂乱的Maintain (动词) - 维持Environment (名词) - 环境Anxious (形容词) - 焦虑的Transform (动词) - 改变,转变加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1681 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3

1681 简化生活,快乐自然增长|简化生活挑战|Day3
