1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间|简化生活挑战|Day 1


"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters."“放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间。”Intro: "Welcome to Day 1 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we'll start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I'll share my own personal answer. I encourage you to think about your own answers and share them with our community."“欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第一天!每天我们都会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个发人深省的问题,接着我会分享我的个人答案。我鼓励你们思考自己的答案,并与我们的社群分享。”Quote: "Today's quote is: 'The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters.' Let this idea guide us as we begin our journey to create a lighter, more fulfilling life."“今天的名言是:"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 『你放下的越多,为真正重要的事情留的空间就越大。』 让这个理念引导我们,开始这段创造更轻盈、更充实生活的旅程。”Question: "Now, let's reflect on today's question: 'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"问题: “现在,让我们来反思今天的问题:'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空间是什么样子的?它会让你感觉如何?』”Lily's Answer: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired."“对我来说,我理想的居住空间是整洁有序的,每件物品都有它的位置。我希望我的物品保持在最低限度,但也有一些美丽的点缀,比如植物和花朵。我喜欢北欧和波西米亚风格的温馨感,这让我感到放松和充满灵感。”Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about your ideal living space. What would it look like? How would it make you feel? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your answers on our social media pages or in the comments below this episode. Let's inspire each other to create spaces that truly reflect who we are and what matters most to us."行动呼吁: “现在轮到你了!花点时间思考一下你的理想居住空间。它看起来会是什么样子?它会让你感觉如何?我很想听听你的想法。欢迎在我们的社交媒体页面@flywithlily或这集节目的评论/评价中分享你的答案。让我们互相激励,创造真正反映我们自己和最重要事物的空间。”Special Offer: "If you're ready to take your decluttering journey to the next level, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions where we’ll work together to achieve your goals. This program is designed to help you stay on track and make lasting changes. You can find the details and sign up on our website flywithlily.com"特别优惠: “如果你准备好将你的断舍离之旅提升到下一个层次,我邀请你加入我的断舍离团体教练训练营。课程包含一份全面的PDF指南和参与小组辅导会议的机会,我们将共同努力实现你的目标。这个训练营旨在帮助你保持进度,并做出持久的改变。你可以在我们的网站上找到详细信息并注册。”Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited to continue this journey with you. Remember, the more we let go, the more room we have for what truly matters. See you tomorrow for Day 2 of our decluttering challenge!"结尾: “感谢你今天的参与。我很期待与你一起继续这段旅程。记住,放下越多,为真正重要的事情留的空间就越大。明天见,我们的断舍离挑战第二天再会!”加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间|简化生活挑战|Day 1

1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间|简化生活挑战|Day 1
