1672 面对坏消息或者是不利的新闻我怎么应对?|自我觉察挑战|Day 26


参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到boss@flywithlily.com标题:Fly with Lily今日格言 Only through self-awareness can one achieve true success. —George Washington 只有自我觉察,才能达到真正的成功。—乔治·华盛顿 Day 26 自我察觉挑战 How do I response to bad and inconvenient news? 我是如何面对不好而且对我不利的新闻? Usually, I am quite indifferent because news often focuses on negative events rather than positive ones. For instance, with issues like various infectious diseases and wars, I believe the chances of them affecting me are very small. If they do happen, I think they are there to teach me something. I could feel depressed sometimes when I take the news to heart, but it is usually brief. I tend to view things more normally, believing that people create their own destiny. For a better response, I hope to take more proactive actions: -Becoming healthier -Advocating for love and peace -Actively managing finances and making money 通常我都是比较无感,因为对于“新闻”总是报忧不报喜~~~ 例如像现在各种传染病、战争的问题,因为我认为发生在我身上的机率太小了如果真的发生可能也是在教我一些事情。 当我把事件放在心上时,我也会有忧郁的时候但是其实很短,比较会是正常心看待,认为人自己的命运是自己创造出来的。 更好的回应,希望自己用更积极的行动来回应 **变得更健康 **倡导爱和平 **积极理财和赚钱 “30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载 Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily 微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit 回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载过去的现在的所有挑战 

1672 面对坏消息或者是不利的新闻我怎么应对?|自我觉察挑战|Day 26

1672 面对坏消息或者是不利的新闻我怎么应对?|自我觉察挑战|Day 26
