1671 认识到自己的不安和不知所措,让我更好地与他人相处|自我觉察挑战|Day 25


参加迷你退休体验营申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话写信到boss@flywithlily.com标题:Fly with Lily今日格言Knowing yourself helps in knowing others. —John Locke 认识自己,才能认识他人。—约翰·洛克Day 25 自我察觉挑战How do I respond to someone who is different from me or whose ideals and beliefs I don't agree with or understand? 我是如何面对和我不一样的人?I find that I usually feel a bit at a loss/uneasy because I know I crave validation and desire more like-minded people around me. Now, I hope I will understand that the world is rich and diverse precisely because it has people with different thoughts and beliefs. I aim to listen, empathize, and take away useful information from these encounters.我发现我通常会有点不知所措和不安,因为我知道我会想要需要被肯定的感觉,或者是渴望有更多志同道合的人在我身边,现在我希望我会知道这个世界就是会拥有和我不同想法和信念的人才丰富,可以去倾听、换位思考,和撷取有用的信息。“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载过去的现在的所有挑战

1671 认识到自己的不安和不知所措,让我更好地与他人相处|自我觉察挑战|Day 25

1671 认识到自己的不安和不知所措,让我更好地与他人相处|自我觉察挑战|Day 25
