1668 透过“减重”进行的一场心灵之旅|与我的美国学生进行一场心灵访谈


你接下来会听到的这段访谈是我在去年10月的时候录制的,这个不到8分钟的对话,对我的个人成长帮助非常的大,因为我亲眼看到了这位朋友的蜕变,而且我现在也在经历他说的这段变化,因为“减重”而引发的心灵之旅。过去我带着我全身不到30公斤的东西展开了环球之旅,我心里一直希望可以帮我的行李减重,可是一直有不能放下的东西。这不就是像我们的人生那样吗?总是有想要飞,可是却放不下一些东西,今年的七月,我带着7公斤的行李,独自前往了巴厘岛做志工,目前一个月即将过去了,一切都好,我的快乐没有减少,甚至更丰满,原来我真的需要的不多。这个对话只有前言一分钟是中文,后面是全英文,所以我会分成三段来解说下。Lily (In Chinese):Hello, welcome to Fly with Lily. I am now in my friend's hotel. I told you in the previous episodes that I am looking forward to their visit to Taiwan.This is my student, Anthony, with his wife, Shu Shu in Kaohsiung. And now it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Because today is their last night, so I  accompanied them to have dinner.And then we went to the night market, and then we went to the bar again. We watched some pretty girls dancing, and we were very happy. Yeah, so now the three of us are sitting on this bed.I'm sitting next to the bedside, and they're lying on the bed now. I just wanted to ask them some questions. Lily: Hello Anthony!Anthony: Hello everyone!Lily: So you and I, we caught up on zoom during Covid time. Anthony: We did. I tried to set you up with my friend. It didn't go well. It was a fail.Lily:But anyways, I'm totally surprised to see you. You have a new look. You lost, like, how many pounds? Anthony: So right now, I would say probably 10 or 11 kilos. Maybe 13 at maximum. But now I'm like 10 or 11. Lily:That's incredible. Because when I met you, you were bigger. Anthony: Fatter. Like a fat teddy bear. Now I'm a skinny teddy bear.–Lily: 你好,AnthonyAnthony: 大家好,Lily: 你和我在疫情期间通过 Zoom 聊天。Anthony: 是的。我试图把你介绍给我的朋友,但没有成功。Lily: 不管怎样,我很惊讶看到你。你有了新的面貌。你减了多少磅?Anthony: 现在大概减了 10 或 11 公斤。最多可能有 13 公斤。但现在大概是 10 或 11 公斤。Lily: 这真是太棒了。当我见到你时,你更大一些。Anthony: 像一个胖胖的泰迪熊。现在我是一个瘦瘦的泰迪熊。Lily: I was also very impressed when you told me about how you discovered yourself. You need to just kind of get lighter. Anthony: Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay, so basically, I had an epiphany moment in early July at a friend's event. There was a moment where I came to the realization that in order to proceed and progress with my life, I needed to remove baggage. That was a central message of what happened is removing baggage, debaggification across three levels, which was physical, mental, and emotional.The simplest, most straightforward part is the physical. And that's what you probably see. Seven days after that, I started an aggressive diet and physical fitness regimen that I imposed upon myself, which was basically a keto diet, which was removing carbs from my diet, and also doubling the amount of Muay Thai training as I do Muay Thai martial arts.And as a result, I went from 176 pounds. About two weeks ago, I hit my goal of 150 pounds. I was at 149.6. And now I'm probably at about 152.It's a work in progress. I think the most straightforward part is the physical. But the physical is the engine that drives mental and emotional.The central message of the mental was to find... It's basically to remove mental baggage. To remove mental clutter. And to reconnect and find vision.Things that are really important to me. The things that I was really connected to in my past and are relevant to now, which is relevant in terms of technology, especially in martial arts. And yeah, it ties to what I'm working on from a startup perspective.The emotional part, I think, is the most difficult. And I think it's something that I think it's most likely that people might misinterpret. But the simple message of that is basically to love myself more unconditionally.If that makes sense. (在这段对话中,Lily 表示佩服 Anthony 为了发现自己而变瘦的努力。Anthony 分享了他在七月初一个朋友的活动中顿悟,意识到为了前进和进步,他需要去除身体、心理和情感上的包袱。他首先通过激进的生酮饮食和加倍练习泰拳,显著减重,从 176 磅减到 150 磅左右。他认为身体的改变最直接,但它也驱动了心理和情感的转变。心理方面,他清理了心理杂物,重新发现和找到愿景,特别是与技术和武术相关的目标。情感方面,他认为最困难,但核心是更加无条件地爱自己。)Lily: 我也很佩服你告诉我你为了要发现自己而需要变瘦。Anthony: 哦,是的。基本上,我在七月初的一个朋友的活动上有了顿悟。我意识到,为了前进和进步,我需要去除包袱。这是整个过程的核心信息:去除包袱,分别在身体、心理和情感三个层面。最简单、最直接的是身体上的改变。这就是你看到的。七天后,我开始了一项自我强加的激进饮食和健身计划,主要是生酮饮食,去除饮食中的碳水化合物,同时加倍练习泰拳。结果,我从 176 磅减到了两周前的目标 150 磅。那时我是 149.6 磅。现在大概是 152 磅。这仍在进行中。我认为最直接的是身体上的改变。但身体是驱动心理和情感的引擎。心理上的核心信息是去除心理包袱,清理心理杂物,重新发现和找到愿景。那些对我真的很重要的东西,那些过去与现在相关的东西,尤其是在技术和武术方面。这也与我正在从事的创业项目有关。情感部分是最困难的。我认为人们最有可能误解这一点。但简单的来说是要更加无条件地爱自己。希望这听起来有道理。Lily: Yeah. What is the tip for my audience? It's mostly women. And they are also going through this sort of journey. They want to be more active. They want to remove the baggage and pursue spiritual freedom. What is your tip for them? Anthony: I think it's a hard thing that doesn't need to be difficult. For me, I went through a certain, I would say, almost a bottoming up process in my life. Where I hit rock bottom in certain ways.But I found a point where I did not have any choice but to move forward. Unless I wanted to stagnate and stay at this point. That would not make me happy.Now, in literally the past three months, I found a path to happiness that I feel very confident in. And I think it's hard to say, you should do this, this, and this to find that. It's, I think, closer to connecting with things that are important to you.That you love and are close to your heart. That may have been there for years. Especially as adults, there are things that you probably connected to that are close to you.That maybe you've lost some sense of touch with. And I can't say that's true for everyone. But that's true for me.And my example is that I've reconnected with this love and passion for martial arts. That was very relevant and influential in my earlier life. But I'm experiencing it in a whole different way.Because I was a game designer and producer. And I became a technologist. And as a result, I'm kind of synthesizing all these different experiences into one central thing that I'm really excited about. And of course, there's no guarantee that it'll work out. But it's something that I would not be happy if I did not pursue that.So if you find something that really drives you. That you feel like there is almost no choice but to pursue it. Unless you want to live an unhappy life.And you see, hey, this is a way that I can find, reconnect with my sense of passion, direction, and purpose. That I would entirely encourage people to connect with that. Even if it may seem uncertain.What I think is important is connect with that. And find your community of friends, family, and like-minded people who will support you. Because they will be there.They will be there to help you. And there will also be people that may discourage you. But don't let that stop you.Like, connect with that inner truth. That thing that drives you. And feel confident in that.Right? Despite all the ups and downs. Which may happen. Lily:Wow, that's a very touching and inspiring message. I love it! I'm actually really glad that I can have this sort of conversation with you. Anthony: Yeah. It's been amazing, Lily. I haven't seen you for so long. You know, it's great to hang out again and have these conversations. I'm hoping that this is, you know, relevant and useful for people.Lily: Definitely. Definitely.(在这段对话中,Lily 请 Anthony 给她的女性听众一些建议,她们正在努力变得更积极,去除包袱,追求精神上的自由。Anthony 表示,这个过程虽然困难,但不需要复杂化。他分享了自己在触底反弹后找到幸福道路的经历,强调与内心重要的事情建立联系的重要性。他提到重新找回对武术的热爱,并将其与自己作为游戏设计师和技术人员的经验结合,找到了新的激情和方向。他鼓励人们与内心真实的驱动力建立联系,即使这条路看起来不确定,同时找到支持自己的朋友、家人和志同道合的社区。Lily 对此表示非常感动和鼓舞,称赞这段对话非常有意义。Anthony 也表示很高兴能再次见到 Lily 并进行这次对话,希望这些分享对听众有帮助。)Lily: 是的。给我的听众一个建议吧。她们大多数是女性,她们也在经历类似的旅程。她们想变得更积极,想去除包袱,追求精神上的自由。你有什么建议?Anthony: 我认为这很难,但不需要太复杂。对我来说,我经历了一个几乎是触底反弹的过程。在某些方面我达到了人生的谷底。但我找到了一个必须前进的点。否则我将停滞不前,无法快乐。在过去的三个月里,我找到了通向幸福的道路。我对此非常有信心。我认为很难说你应该做这、做那才能找到它。我认为更重要的是与那些对你重要的事情建立联系。那些你热爱并且与心灵相近的事情,可能已经存在多年。尤其是成年后,有些事情你可能曾经非常喜欢,但现在失去了联系。我的例子是我重新找回了对武术的热爱和激情。这在我早年的生活中非常重要和有影响力。但现在我以一种全新的方式体验它。因为我是游戏设计师和制作人,然后成为了技术人员。因此,我在综合这些不同的经验到一个让我非常兴奋的中心事情。当然,不能保证它一定会成功。但如果不追求它,我不会快乐。所以,如果你发现某件事情真正驱动你,让你觉得几乎没有选择,除非你想过不快乐的生活。你会看到,这是我重新找回激情、方向和目标的方法。我完全鼓励人们与此建立联系,即使这条路看起来不确定。重要的是与之建立联系。找到你的朋友、家人和志同道合的社区,他们会支持你。他们会在那里帮助你。也会有一些人可能会阻碍你。但不要让这阻止你。与那种内心的真实建立联系,那些驱动你的东西,并对此有信心。无论遇到什么起伏。Lily: 哇,这真是非常感人和鼓舞人心的讯息。我很喜欢!我真的很高兴能和你进行这样的对话。Anthony: 是的。这真是太棒了,Lily。我很久没见到你了。能再次见面并进行这些对话真是太好了。我希望这对人们是有帮助和有用的。Lily: 绝对的。绝对的。结语:感谢收听今天的 Fly with Lily 播客。在这一集中,我们有幸听到了 Anthony 的故事,他通过去除身体、心理和情感上的包袱,找到了新的方向和幸福。他的经历告诉我们,只要找到内心真正重要的东西,并且坚持不懈地追求,我们都能实现自己的目标和梦想。希望 Anthony 的分享能为大家带来启发和力量。无论你们在旅程中遇到什么样的挑战,都不要放弃,寻找支持自己的朋友和社区,与内心的真实建立联系,勇敢地追求自己的热爱和目标。再次感谢大家的收听。如果你喜欢今天的内容,请订阅我们的频道,并分享给更多的朋友。另外如果你想要参加最新一起在8.5开营的迷你退休营活动,用六周的时间透过早起仪式、说一口流利英语、建立热爱事业和旅行的方式来进行一场心灵之旅,也欢迎你写信到boss@flywithlily.com,标题:Fly with Lily,来申请30分钟的免费咨询。希望你有个美好的一天,have a wonderful day!

1668 透过“减重”进行的一场心灵之旅|与我的美国学生进行一场心灵访谈

1668 透过“减重”进行的一场心灵之旅|与我的美国学生进行一场心灵访谈
