1648 面对不利与你的生活处境,试试这样去回应|自我觉察挑战|Day4


今日格言Self-awareness is the first step to wisdom. —George Santayana 自觉是通往智慧的第一步。—乔治·桑塔亚纳Day 4 自我察觉挑战How do I deal with inconvenient life situations? 我是如何处理/面对不利于我的生活处境?When faced with inconvenient life situations, I usually feel a bit distressed initially. I tend to analyze how I can make the most of these seemingly inconvenient situations to benefit me.For example, this time I returned to Taiwan, I unexpectedly lost my inspiration for travel and motivation for work. Despite this, I used the time to study for a tour guide examination. By gradually relaxing, I gained the opportunity to work as a podcast coach for events during an around Taiwan trip.Another instance involved an interesting part-time job opportunity located an hour and a half away from my current home. I turned this commute into a positive by using the one-hour travel time to listen to audiobooks and the half-hour cycling as a fitness activity.Through these experiences, I have learned to face each inconvenient situation more calmly and relaxed, understanding that every challenge can be an opportunity for growth.一开始会有点苦恼,因为我会去进行分析这我可以如何利用这个目前看起来不利于我的生活处境为我获得最大的益处。例如回到了台湾,没有预期地我陷入了轻微的忧郁,失去了旅行的灵感和工作的动力,但我利用这段时间报考了导游的执照,另外借由慢慢放松后,我获得了环岛担任播客教练机会。还有一个有趣的兼职工作机会,但是这个机会距离我家一个半小时以外的路程。我将那一个小时当作我可以听有声书的机会,还有半小时的脚踏车时光当作是健身。借由这次的觉察,我更加体会,可以更加放松地去面对每一次对我不利的处境。***“30日自我觉察的挑战”可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆“觉察”的英文 awareness 当然也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载过去的现在的所有挑战

1648 面对不利与你的生活处境,试试这样去回应|自我觉察挑战|Day4

1648 面对不利与你的生活处境,试试这样去回应|自我觉察挑战|Day4
