1637 你在何时感到最强大有力?|灵性日记挑战|Day13


今日格言"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius “灵魂会被其思想的颜色染色。”- 马可·奥勒留Day 13 灵性日记挑战When do I feel the most powerful? 我什么时候感到最强大有力?I feel the most powerful is when I speak in front of people. I get nervous quite easily but after I get use to it I like the influence that I can make on people. Like right now, I also feel powerful because I know there are many people listening to my podcast and being influenced and changed by it, especially when I share moments of my own breakthroughs on the podcast.我觉得最有力量的时候是当我站在人群面前演讲时。我很容易感到紧张,但习惯后,我喜欢自己能对人们产生的影响力。像现在这一刻也让我感觉强大,因为我知道有很多人在收听我的播客而获得影响和改变,特别是当我在播客中分享我突破了自己的时刻。灵性日记挑战可以透过以下管道下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字spiritual (灵性)我们这个20天的挑战就是基于探索真正的自己的灵性所设计。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

1637 你在何时感到最强大有力?|灵性日记挑战|Day13

1637 你在何时感到最强大有力?|灵性日记挑战|Day13
