1624(写作练习)当你活出你人生目的时,一天是怎样的呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 30


想要和Lily一样去学英语环游世界吗?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想透过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造更美丽的生活经验,现在你可以公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看这个免费的培训,了解如何在生活中获得更多的丰盛和自由、学习做自己和他人的英语/生活教练、打造属于自己的谘询产品服务,这个活动将分享给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,现在就过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,快来了解这个能让你实现梦想的机会!立即到公众微信帐号Englishfit 或者是在我的Line@flywithlily 回覆数字888,观看我们免费课程,了解一个兼职教师如何透过助人事业环游世界,让我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的可能性!今日格言:"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Maya Angelou 生活的好坏不在于我们活得多久,而是我们活出了多少让我们难忘的时刻。(活得久不如活得好。)Day 30 问题挑战:Write a day in life: what does it look like now that you are living your purpose? How do you feel?当你活出你人生目的时,一天的生活会是怎样的呢?In the early morning, I wake up from a sweet dream feeling content, knowing that today is another beautiful day to pursue my goals. The first thing I do after getting up is some exercise, meditation, journaling, and reading to energize and calm myself.清晨,我从甜美的梦中醒来,心情愉悦,因为我知道今天又是一个追求目标的美好一天。我起床后,第一件事就是做一些运动、冥想、日记书写和阅读,让自己充满活力和平静。Then, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast to fuel my body with energy. Before starting work, I take some time to write down the day's goals and plans, ensuring I have a clear direction.接着,我享用一顿营养丰富的早餐,让身体充满能量。在工作前,我花一些时间写下当天的目标和计划,确保自己有一个清晰的方向。During work hours, I immerse myself fully in my career because I know it's where my talents lie and what I strive for. Whether it's communicating with clients, creating new content, or solving problems, I feel passionate and driven.在工作中,我全身心投入到自己的事业中,因为我知道这是我的天赋所在,也是我为之奋斗的目标。无论是与客户交流、创作新的内容还是解决问题,我都感到充满热情和动力。At lunchtime, I enjoy a meal with friends, exchanging stories about life and goals. This relaxing time brings me joy and relaxation.午餐时间,我与朋友一起享用美食,并交流彼此的生活和目标。这段轻松的时间让我感到愉悦和放松。In the afternoon, I continue to work hard but also give myself some rest and relaxation time. I might go out to explore a new place and work in a nearby cafe, or read a book to recharge myself.下午,我继续努力工作,但也给自己一些休息和放松的时间。我可能会出门探索一个新地方然后就在附近的咖啡厅工作,或阅读一本书,让自己重新充电。After returning home in the evening, I spend quality time with my family or my friends, sharing stories of the day. I feel fulfilled and happy knowing that I am living my purpose and mission.晚上回家后,我与家人共度温馨的时光,分享彼此的一天。我感到满足和幸福,因为我知道自己正活出自己的目标和使命。Before bedtime, I write down my gratitude and achievements for the day, looking forward to tomorrow's challenges and opportunities. The whole process is filled with joy, satisfaction, and meaning because I know I am pursuing a life that truly makes me happy and fulfilled.在就寝前,我写下当天的感恩和成就,并期待着明天的挑战和机会。整个过程充满了喜悦、满足和意义,因为我知道自己正在追求的是真正让自己快乐和充实的生活。***为了这个找到IKIGAI/生命目的的系列,我特别制作了一个探索的手册,请大家到我的官方帐号去下载Line的官方帐号是@flywithlily微信的官方帐号是 Englishfit回覆文字ikigai (这个字是日文就是“此生之目的”)我们这个30天的挑战就是基于这个有名的此生目的的一种探索形式。也可以透过我的网站flywithlily.com/30 下载

1624(写作练习)当你活出你人生目的时,一天是怎样的呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 30

1624(写作练习)当你活出你人生目的时,一天是怎样的呢?|找到IKIGAI|Day 30
