1607 你是有活力的人吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 14


今日格言:"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman 别问世界需要什么,问你是什么让你感到活有活力,然后去做。因为世界需要的是那些有活力的人。Day 14挑战问题What are some examples of times you were paid to do something you are good at?做你擅长的事情得到酬劳的一些例子是什么?Some examples of times I was paid to do something I am good at include:1.Teaching English: I earned an hourly rate for tutoring.2.Sales work: I earned commissions.3.Creating and selling online courses: I directly received revenue from course fees.4.University speaking engagements: I shared my experiences of podcast production while traveling globally in recent years and received speaker fees.5.Podcast production: In the early stages of podcasting, I also engaged in sponsorships and listener donations.一些我进行我擅长的事情而获得酬劳的例子包括:1.教授英语:我收取钟点费。2.销售业务工作:我赚取佣金。3.制作线上课程贩售:我直接从课程费用中获取报酬。4.大学演讲:我分享我近年来制作播客并在环球旅行的经验,以讲师费形式获得报酬。5.播客制作:在初期制作播客时,我也有接触赞助和听众捐款。

1607 你是有活力的人吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 14

1607 你是有活力的人吗?|找到IKIGAI|Day 14
