1692 梦想速成的子弹笔记法|Lily到澳洲旅居生活开始啦!


Hello everybody, I have a tip and advice that was given to me by life coach Lily to help reach your goals and organize your life. So everybody get a notebook and get a pen and leave the first page blank and put above there, right above there, weekly to-do list. Then get a second page blank and write down monthly to-do list.大家好,我有一个由生活教练 Lily 给我的建议和技巧,帮助大家达成目标并整理生活。请大家准备一本笔记本和一支笔,将第一页留白,并在页面上方写下“每周待办事项清单”。接下来,翻到第二页,这页也留白,并在上面写下“每月待办事项清单”。Then after that you're going to have 10 (12) empty pages and above each page you're going to write the following headings and dedicate one page to each heading. The first one is going to be career, the second one creativity, the third one community, the fourth one financial, the fifth one adventure, sixth intellectual, seven environment, eight skill, nine spiritual, 10 character, 11 relationships, and 12 health. Now you're going to take your pen and under each heading you're going to write down one goal for each area.然后你要留出十(二)页空白页,每页上方依次写下以下标题,每个标题各占一页。第一页是“事业”,第二页是“创意”,第三页是“社区”,第四页是“财务”,第五页是“冒险”,第六页是“智力”,第七页是“环境”,第八页是“技能”,第九页是“精神”,第十页是“品格”,第十一页是“关系”,第十二页是“健康”。现在,请在每个标题下写下一个该领域的目标。And then under the goal you're going to write down all the steps that you can immediately think of that you can take to achieve the goal. So for instance, for the heading health your goal could be go to the gym daily. And the first action that you write down is search gym in my area and get a gym membership and figure out the price of the gym membership and visit the gym for the first time.接下来,在目标下方写出你立刻能想到的所有步骤,这些步骤是帮助你实现目标的。例如,在“健康”这一页,你的目标可能是“每天去健身房”,那么你可以写下的第一个步骤是“搜寻我附近的健身房,办理健身房会员,了解会员费用,并首次拜访健身房”。You can break down each goal into as many small actions that you can think of. Then you're going to take the most urgent actions and you're going to put them in your monthly to-do list and then you're going to sort them into your weekly and daily to-do list. And on your daily to-do list should be the actions that you can immediately take today to reach that goal.你可以将每个目标分解成你能想到的尽可能多的小步骤。然后,将最急需完成的行动列入“每月待办事项清单”,再将它们安排到“每周待办事项清单”和“每日待办事项清单”。在“每日待办事项清单”上,应列出你今天可以立即采取的行动,来达成该目标。Thank you for listening.谢谢大家的聆听。加入我们的社交媒体~官方网站:flywithlily.com公众微信ID:Englishfit官方Line ID @flywithlily

1692 梦想速成的子弹笔记法|Lily到澳洲旅居生活开始啦!

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