

"Hello, and welcome to my podcast! I'm Lily, and I'm so excited to share my journey and insights with you. Over the past few months, I've traveled the world with nothing more than a 7-kilo backpack. You might wonder, 'How is that even possible?' Well, it's all about embracing minimalism and focusing on what truly matters. The freedom of having less has made me feel lighter, happier, and more connected to my experiences."大家好,欢迎来到我的播客!我是Lily,很高兴能和你们分享我的旅程和见解。过去几个月里,我只靠一个7公斤的背包环游世界。你可能会想,『这怎么可能?』其实,这一切都是关于拥抱极简主义,专注于真正重要的事情。拥有更少让我感觉更加轻松、快乐,并且更能投入到每一次的体验中。"Imagine waking up every day knowing you have everything you need right by your side, nothing weighing you down. It's a liberating feeling, and it’s transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Now, I want to share this feeling with you."“想象一下,每天醒来,你知道所有你需要的东西都在身边,没有任何负担。这是一种令人解放的感觉,改变了我的生活,超出我原本的想像。现在,我想和你分享这种感觉。”"That's why I've created this 30-day declutter challenge. My wish is to help you find fulfillment in what you already have, to free yourself from the unnecessary, and maybe even inspire you to start your own journey. Whether it's a physical journey to new places or an emotional journey to find peace, this challenge is about creating space for what truly matters."“这就是为什么我创建了这个30天断舍离挑战。我的愿望是帮助你在已有的东西中找到满足,摆脱那些不必要的东西,甚至可能激励你开始自己的旅程。不论是实际去新的地方旅行,还是心灵上寻求平静的旅程,这个挑战都是为了给真正重要的事物创造空间。”"So, are you ready to start? Ready to feel lighter, more fulfilled, and maybe take a step closer to your dreams? Join me on this 30-day declutter challenge. Let’s make room for happiness together."“那么,你准备好了吗?准备好变得更轻松、更满足,并可能更接近你的梦想吗?加入我,参加这个30天清理杂物挑战。让我们一起为快乐腾出空间。”"Subscribe now and get ready to transform your life, one day at a time. I can’t wait to start this journey with you."“现在就订阅,准备好每天一点点改变你的生活。我迫不及待想和你一起开始这段旅程。”


