搞乜咁科學 #17 - 食物 Food🍔


歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第17集!今集嘅主題係食物 Food 🍔!Keith會講點樣可以將一個蛋糕平均分比n個人?(唔用攪拌機lol) 🍰,Abellona會原來義大利菜曾經係無番茄嘅?🍕喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)Social Media:科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscienceAbellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_uKeith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsirKeith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSirShow Notes and Links:大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscienceAbellona 部分:Chinese Gooseberry Becomes the Kiwifruit 獼猴桃變成奇異果What was Italian Food Before Tomatoes 蕃茄出現之前的義大利菜Nikolai Vavilov 尼古拉·瓦維洛夫- WikipediaA Map Of Where Your Food Originated May Surprise You - NPRKhoury Colin K., et al. 2016 Origins of food crops connect countries worldwideProc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20160792.20160792. http://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.0792延伸閱讀: Gun, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond - GoodreadsKeith 部分:🍅 世界上最有效率嘅溫書方法竟然要用到…. - Keith Poon Sir on YouTubeAmericapox: The Missing Plague - CGP Grey on YouTube🎂數學老師用「佢」嚟分蛋糕? - Keith Poon Sir on YouTubeAziz, H., & Mackenzie, S. (2016, October). A discrete and bounded envy-free cake cutting protocol for any number of agents. In 2016 IEEE 57th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) (pp. 416-427). IEEE. https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.03655 Garfunkel, S. A. (1988). For all practical purposes: Introduction to contemporary mathematics. Equally sharing a cake between three people - Numberphile on YouTube 

搞乜咁科學 #17 - 食物 Food🍔

搞乜咁科學 #17 - 食物 Food🍔
