搞乜咁科學 #11 - 2022新發現 New in 22’🗓


歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第11集!今集嘅主題係2022新發現 New in 22’🗓!Keith會講數學家點樣將個圓形變成正方形,Abellona會解釋有咩方法製造到萬能嘅流感疫苗?喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)Social Media:科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎搞乜咁科學網頁搞乜咁科學 IG搞乜咁科學 YouTubeAbellona IGKeith IGKeith YouTubeShow Notes and Links:大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎Keith’s part學寫電腦程式竟然同學語言能力有關﹐反而同數感無乜關係? - Prat, C. S., et al. (2020). Relating natural language aptitude to individual differences in learning programming languages. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.較剪全等 Scissor Congruence - nLab 三大尺規作圖問題 Impossible Constructions - Wikipedia正方形原來係剪唔到變圓形㗎…Dubins, L., Hirsch, MW, & Karush, J. (1963). Scissor congruence. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1(4), 239-247.可等分解 Equidecomposable - Wolfram MathWorld…但分解佢就得喇!Laczkovich, M. (1990). Equidecomposability and discrepancy; a solution of Tarski's circle-squaring problem. , 1990(404), 77-117.宇宙有幾多原子?好多囉 - US Department of Energy’s Jefferson Lab🟥 ➡️ 🔴 嘅進展Grabowski, L., Máthé, A., & Pikhurko, O. (2016). Measurable equidecompositions for group actions with an expansion property, accepted by J. Eur. Math. Soc., E-print arxiv, 1601.Marks, A. S., & Unger, S. T. (2017). Borel circle squaring. Annals of Mathematics, 186(2), 581-605.終於變到喇!Máthé, A., Noel, J. A., & Pikhurko, O. (2022). Circle Squaring with Pieces of Small Boundary and Low Borel Complexity. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01412.正方形點變做圓形,去片!Abellona’s part過去一百年的流感大流行歷史 – CDC流感病毒的結構現時的流感疫苗是怎樣製造的流感病毒撠手的地方: Antigen shift 抗原轉變 & Antigen drift 抗原飄移研發萬能流感疫苗的策略策略一: 同時針對多種HA亞種的mRNA疫苗Arevalo, C.P., et al, 2022. A multivalent nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine against all known influenza virus subtypes. Science, 378(6622), pp.899-904.策略二: 誘使免疫系統針對HA的莖部的疫苗Nachbagauer, R., et al., 2021. A chimeric hemagglutinin-based universal influenza virus vaccine approach induces broad and long-lasting immunity in a randomized, placebo-controlled phase I trial. Nature medicine, 27(1), pp.106-114.策略三: 針對流感病毒表面的其他蛋白Kim, K.H., et al., 2022. Universal protection against influenza viruses by multi-subtype neuraminidase and M2 ectodomain virus-like particle. PLoS pathogens, 18(8), p.e1010755.

搞乜咁科學 #11 - 2022新發現 New in 22’🗓

搞乜咁科學 #11 - 2022新發現 New in 22’🗓
