EP.8 中元節/Chinese Ghost Festival



Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。

小朋友,你怕不怕鬼(Are you scared of ghosts?)?Bear老師小時候也很怕鬼(ghost),但是長大以後才知道,如果我們沒做壞事,一點都不必怕鬼。華人有句話說:「平時不做虧心事,半夜不怕鬼敲門。」就是這個意思。所以,如果等一下你聽到跟鬼(ghost)有關係的部分,不要怕喔(Don’t be scared.)

在華人的傳統文化當中(In traditional Chinese culture,),農曆七月是鬼月(the seventh lunar month is ghost month.),在這個月當中(During this month,),很多陰間的鬼都回到了人間(many ghosts from the underworld have returned to the human world.)。而農曆的七月十五號是「中元節」(The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month is the "Ghost Festival".),在這一天,人們要準備很多食物招待這些在陰間受苦的鬼(On this day, people prepare a lot of food to treat these ghosts who are suffering in the underworld.)。

為什麼農曆七月十五號是「中元節」呢(Why is the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month the "Ghost Festival"?)?聽到了嗎?「中元節」也叫「鬼節」(Ghost Festival)。為什麼很多華人在這一天要準備這麼多食物呢(Why do many Chinese prepare so much food on this day?)?讓Bear老師來說給你聽喔。

很久很久以前,有一個孤兒叫目蓮(Long time ago, there was an orphan named Mùlián.)。有一天晚上,他夢到了母親在哭(One night he dreamed of his mother crying,),他母親說:「兒子啊~~我在地獄好餓啊 (Son~ I am starving in hell!) !你快來救我吧(Come and save me!) !」

目蓮趕緊拿了一碗飯給母親(Mùlián quickly brought a bowl of rice to his mother.)。沒想到,正當母親要吃飯時(Unexpectedly, just when his mother was about to eat,),那碗飯卻變成了火,根本吞不下去(the bowl of rice turned into fire, and she couldn't swallow it at all.)。目蓮又驚訝又傷心(Mùlián was shocked and sad.),就醒過來了(He woke up.)。

目蓮醒過來以後,非常擔心,卻不知道應該怎麼做(After Mùlián woke up, he was very worried, but he didn't know what to do.)。目蓮只好問佛陀(Mùlián had to ask the Buddha,),佛陀說:「我知道你是聽話的孩子(I know you are an obedient child.)。可是你母親活著的時候,是一個非常自私的人(But when your mother was alive, she was a very selfish person,),因此,她才會在地獄受到這種處罰(That’s why she finds herself punished in hell.)。」

目蓮回答:「求求您原諒我的母親吧(Please forgive my mother!)!您要我做什麼,我都願意( I will do whatever you want me to do. )。求求您,求求您(Please, please.)。」

看到目蓮這麼愛他的母親(Seeing that Mùlián loves his mother so much,),佛陀非常感動(the Buddha was very touched),於是祂說:「你必須多做好事(You must do more good deeds.), 在每年的農曆七月十五日這一天(Every year on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month,),你必須準備很多食物給所有挨餓的人跟鬼(you must prepare a lot of food to feed all the hungry people and ghosts,)。這樣就能幫助你的母親不必再受處罰(It will save your mother from being punished again.)。」

就這樣,目蓮不但幫助了許多受苦的人與鬼,也幫助了自己的母親不必再受處罰(In this way, Mùlián not only helped many suffering people and ghosts, but also helped his mother not to be punished again.)。後來,每年的農曆七月十五日就成了「中元節」(Later, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month became the "Ghost Festival" .)。小朋友,今年2022年國曆八月十二日(12th of August 2022) 就是農曆的七月十五日(the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month)。你觀察一下中元節(Ghost Festival)那一天,是不是很多人家準備了很多好吃的東西來普渡、拜拜呢?

小朋友,你相信什麼宗教(What religion do you believe in?)?你相信有神、鬼嗎(Do you believe in gods and ghosts?)? 不管你信什麼教,不管你相不相信鬼神,你一定也覺得我們應該要多幫助別人(to help others more),而不是當一個自私的人(a selfish person),對不對 ( right?) ?此外,現在世界上還有很多人每天都吃不飽,餓肚子。所以,一定不可以浪費食物喔 (Don't waste food, please.) 。請別浪費食物。

“I am starving.”

“I am starving.”

What do you think about this story? Please share with your family, friends and classmates!

See you next time.
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EP.8 中元節/Chinese Ghost Festival

EP.8 中元節/Chinese Ghost Festival
