EP.73小心,別中暑喔!/ Careful – don’t get heatstroke!(Bear老師原創故事)


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Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。
Kids, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and don’t you feel like you’re about to melt?
In hot weather, it’s possible to get heatstroke if you’re not careful, which can be very dangerous.
Let’s hear about how to avoid heatstroke, and how to protect yourself.
Jasper:好累,我想休息一下。I’m so tired, I want to rest a while.
Robin:我也累了,休息一下吧。I’m tired too, let’s rest.
Robin:Amy,你來了啊?欸,Emma呢? Oh, Amy, you’re here? Where’s Emma?
Amy:Emma昨天上體育課的時候中暑,被送去醫院。Emma got heatstroke in sports class yesterday and went to hospital.今天趁著周末,在家好好地休息。Since it’s the weekend she’s taking the chance to rest at home.
Robin:天啊!這麼嚴重。Wow - that sounds serious.
Jasper:這幾天真的好熱。It’s been really hot these last few days.就像現在,我也覺得頭暈,呼吸困
難。It’s like now, I feel dizzy and it’s hard to breathe.
Amy:你的臉好紅啊,一直冒汗。Your face looks very red and sweaty.你還好吧?Are you OK?
Robin:我也覺得你看起來怪怪的。I think you don’t look too good, too.走,我們別站在太陽下說話,
到樹蔭那兒去休息一下。Come on, let’s not stand in the sun talking. Let’s go and rest in the shade under
the trees.
Jasper:這裡涼快多了。It’s much cooler here.
Amy:喝一點水吧!Drink some water!
Robin:別急,慢慢喝。Don’t rush, drink slowly.我覺得你差一點熱衰竭了。I think you have a touch of
heat exhaustion.
Jasper:不知道。我就是覺得頭暈、呼吸困難、嘴巴很乾,一直流汗,而且還想吐。Don’t know … I
just felt dizzy, trouble breathing, dry mouth, sweaty and felt sick.
Amy:熱衰竭?跟中暑不一樣嗎?Heat exhaustion? Is that different from heatstroke?
Robin:嗯,熱衰竭的時候會大量流汗,導致身體缺乏水分,要馬上喝冷水。If you have heat
exhaustion, you will sweat a lot, and you will eventually become dehydrated. You need to drink cold water
as soon as possible.如果沒處理好,就會導致中暑,體溫過高,無法自行降溫,要馬上送醫。If you
don’t treat it properly, it may progress to heatstroke, your body temperature is too high and no way to cool
down without help. You’ll need to go to hospital immediately.
Amy:聽起來都好危險啊!Sounds like both are dangerous.
Jasper:有這麼嚴重嗎?Is it really that serious?
Robin:當然嚴重!Of course it’s serious!我聽爸爸說,如果沒有及時處理,可能導致器官衰竭。My
dad said if you don’t deal with it quickly, it can progress to organ failure.
Amy:對,我聽說中暑還可能死翹翹。Right, I heard that it’s possible to die of heatstroke.
Jasper:你們別嚇我。Don’t scare me!
Robin:我們沒嚇你。We’re not scaring you.熱衰竭和中暑是很嚴重的,一定要小心。Heat exhaustion
and heatstroke are both serious, so be careful.
Jasper:可是天氣這麼熱,怎麼可能避免?But the weather is so hot, how can you avoid it?
Amy:我知道怎麼避免,我媽媽教過我,她說了三個重點:躲太陽、補水分、要通風。I know how to avoid it. My mother taught me. She said three key points: stay in cool places shaded from the sun, drink frequently, and get some airflow.
Jasper:躲太陽?So stay out of the sun?
Robin:對,就像我們現在這樣,躲在樹蔭下,避免直曬在太陽下。Yes, just like we’re doing now, resting in the shade away from direct sun.
Jasper:補水分?And stay hydrated?
Amy:嗯,所以我隨身都帶著一瓶水,常補充水分。I carry a bottle of water with me so I can drink often.
Jasper:要通風?How about airflow?
Amy:是啊,要注意環境是不是通風,有沒有風扇或空調。Yes, you should pay attention to the airflow in your environment, like whether there are fans or air conditioners.就像這裡,有風吹過,幫助身體降溫。Just like here, the wind is blowing and it cools you down.
Jasper:我現在真的覺得舒服多了。I really feel much better now.
Robin:走吧!這麼熱,我們別打籃球了。Let’s go! It’s so hot, let’s not play basketball now.找一個涼快一點的地方玩別的東西吧!We’ll find a cooler place to play something else!
Amy:嗯,走吧!OK, let’s go!
Jasper:走吧!Let’s go!
Kids, do you remember how to avoid heatstroke?
Stay in cool places shaded from the sun, drink frequently, and get some airflow.
“I feel I am getting too hot. I need to take a rest.”
“I feel I am getting too hot. I need to take a rest.”
Kids, in the hot summer weather, you must stay hydrated and pay attention to ventilation and your physical
If you have any symptoms of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, you need to deal with it immediately.
See you next time!
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EP.73小心,別中暑喔!/ Careful – don’t get heatstroke!(Bear老師原創故事)

EP.73小心,別中暑喔!/ Careful – don’t get heatstroke!(Bear老師原創故事)
