EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)


城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----



Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人隨便摸你的身體,你會覺得不舒服嗎?(If someone touches your body casually, would you feel uncomfortable?)是性騷擾嗎?(Is this sexual harassment?)還是你覺得這是對方表達親切的方式,因此不必太在意呢?(Or do you think this is the other person's way of showing affection, so you don't need to take it too seriously?)這個問題真的沒那麼容易,Bear老師也沒辦法直接告訴你答案。(This question is really not that easy, and I can’t tell you the answer directly.)不過,我們可以先來聽聽Amy小朋友的經驗,再回頭來想想這個問題喔。(However, we can first listen to Amy’s experience, and then think about this question later.)
Robin:你在想什麼啊?(What are you thinking about?)我叫了你好幾聲,你都沒有反應。(I called you several times, but you didn't respond.)
Amy:我……我……我在想………。(I…I…I was thinking…)
Robin:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)你好像有心事。(Seems you have something on your mind.)你沒事吧?(Are you OK?)
Amy:我…我不知道應不應該說。(I…I don't know if I should say it.)
Robin:到底是什麼事啊?(What’s going on?)我能幫得上忙嗎?(Can I help?)
Amy:嗯……,我也不知道你能不能幫我。(Hmm… I don't know if you can help me.)
Robin:你說了我才知道能不能幫你啊。(I won’t know if I can help you unless you tell me.)
Amy:可是,你答應要幫我保密喔。(But you have to promise to keep it a secret for me.)
Robin:蛤?你做了什麼壞事嗎?(Huh? Have you done anything bad?)
Amy:我不確定是不是壞事……可是……(I'm not sure if it's a bad thing…but…)
Robin:喔~~別怕,我答應你不說,而且我真的想幫助你。(Oh~~Don’t be afraid, I promise you won’t tell, and I really want to help you.)
Amy:嗯~~~謝謝。那~~我要說了喔!(Yeah~~~Thank you. Then~~I will just say it!)
Robin:嗯,放心。你可以相信我。(Well, don’t worry. You can trust me.)
Amy:我剛剛去了William 哥哥家。(I just went to William's house.)
Robin:就是那個在我們圖書館當志工的大學生William 哥哥。(William? the college student who volunteers in our library?)
Robin:我也去過他家,他邀請我去他家看漂亮的魚缸,還玩最新的線上遊戲。(I also went to his house. He invited me to his house to see the beautiful fish tank and play the latest online games.)
Amy:那~~你告訴你爸媽你去了他家嗎?(Then~~did you tell your parents that you went to his house?)
Robin:嗯~我說了啊?為什麼不能說?這又不是壞事。(Yeah, I told them. Why can't I say it? There’s nothing wrong with that.)
Amy:可是他要我不可以說出去,他說如果他爸媽知道他偷玩線上遊戲,一定會打他的。(But he asked me not to tell anyone. He said that if his parents knew that he secretly plays online games, they would definitely beat him.)
Robin:他也跟我這樣說,可是我相信我爸媽知道怎麼處理,所以我覺得不必對他們隱瞞。(He told me the same thing, but I think my parents know how to deal with it, so I don’t need to hide it from them.)而且,我覺得沒意思,所以後來也沒再去他家了。(Anyway, I was bored, so I didn’t go to his house anymore.)
Amy:嗯,我們玩線上遊戲的時候,他也要我替他保密。(Yeah, when we were playing online games, he also asked me to keep it a secret for him.)
Robin:就這樣?(That's it?)
Robin:還有什麼?(What else?)
Amy:後來,我去欣賞魚缸的時候,他把我洋裝的拉鍊拉了下來,說要幫我按摩。(Later, when I went to admire the fish tank, he pulled down the zipper of my dress and said he wanted to massage me.)
Robin:按摩?!你需要按摩嗎?(Massage? ! Do you need a massage?)
Amy:我也不知道,可是他說按摩對身體有幫助,他希望我更健康,((I don’t know, but he said that a massage would help my body, and he wanted me to be healthier,)而且…而且他對我們那麼好,我覺得拒絕他的好意好像沒有禮貌。(and… and he’s treated us so well, I felt like it would be rude to refuse his kindness.)
Robin:然後呢?(What then?)
Amy:一開始,他按摩我的肩膀和背,確實很舒服,(At first, he massaged my shoulders and back, which was really comfortable,)可是…按摩到腰部的時候,我覺得很奇怪…,(but… when he massaged my waist, I felt strange…)可是他說腰部有很多對身體好的穴道,所以,我也不知道應該怎麼拒絕。(he just said that there are many acupuncture points in the waist that are good for the body, so I didn’t know how to refuse.)然後…忽然他爸媽回來了,他馬上把我的拉鍊拉上,還叫我什麼都不可以說。(Then… suddenly his parents came back, and he immediately zipped up my zipper and told me not to say anything.)
Robin:如果真的讓你不舒服,你應該馬上跟你媽媽說。(If it really makes you uncomfortable, you should tell your mother right away.)
Amy:可是,我騙我媽媽說我是去圖書館看書,她如果知道我說謊,一定會很生氣的。(But, I lied to my mother that I was going to the library to read. She would be very angry if she knew that I lied.)
Robin:你為什麼要騙你媽媽?(Why did you lie to your mother?)
Amy:因為William 哥哥說我媽媽一定不會答應的。(Because William said that my mother would never agree.)還有,我真的很想看看他的魚缸。(Also, I really want to see his fish tank.)
Robin:可是,William 哥哥有問題。(But there is something wrong with William.)
Amy:有沒有可能是我們誤會他了?(Is it possible that we misunderstood him?)
Robin:可是,你也覺得奇怪、不舒服,對不對?(But you also feel strange and uncomfortable, right?)
Amy:嗯~~那種感覺真的很奇怪。(Hmm~~That feeling is really strange.)
我們去跟老師說。(Let's go talk to the teacher.)
我們會不會害了William 哥哥?(No, will we cause trouble for William?)他真的對我們很好。而且,他爸媽好像很可怕。(He is really good to us. And it seems like his parents are terrible.)
Robin:我還是覺得這件事有問題。(I still think there's something wrong with this.)
Amy:那怎麼辦呢?我已經答應William 哥哥不會說出去的。(What should we do? I promised William I won’t tell anyone.)
Robin:對了!我們去找Vivian奶奶,我覺得她一定有好辦法。(Right! Let's go find Grandma Vivian. I think she’ll know what to do.)

Amy:對,我信任她,很想聽聽她的意見。(Yes, I trust her and would like to hear her opinion.)
Robin:那,我們走吧!(Then, let's go!)
小朋友,你覺得Amy應該馬上跟長輩說這件事嗎?(Kids, do you think Amy should tell her elders about this immediately?)你覺得William 哥哥是壞人嗎?(Do you think William is a bad person?)其實,Bear老師在八歲的時候,遭遇過跟Amy類似的情況。(In fact, I encountered a similar situation to Amy when I was eight years old.)不幸地,當時Bear老師不敢跟任何人說起這件事,(Unfortunately, I did not dare to tell anyone about this incident at the time.)沒想到後來那個大哥哥真的嚴重傷害了另外兩個六歲跟九歲的小女孩,而這件事也在Bear老師心裡留下了永遠的痛。(As it turned out, that person seriously hurt two other little girls aged six and nine, and this incident stayed in my mind and made me feel pain forever.)我非常後悔沒有把那個奇怪的感覺說出來,也難過當時因為害怕長輩的處罰而沒敢誠實地說出真相。(I really regret that I did not express this strange feeling. I’m also sad that I did not dare to speak out honestly because I was afraid of punishment from my elders.)
小朋友,不管你是男孩還是女孩,不管對方是誰,覺得不舒服的時候,就要說!(Kids, no matter you are a boy or a girl, no matter who that person is, when you feel uncomfortable, just say it!)即使可能只是一個誤會,也不要因為害怕製造麻煩而自己處理這樣的問題。(Even if it might be a misunderstanding, don't keep it to yourself for fear of causing trouble.)如果是誤會,你說出來了,才能讓彼此都有一個學習正確處理事情的機會;(If it’s a misunderstanding, you can speak out so that both parties can have a chance to learn to handle things correctly;)如果不是誤會,那麼你的勇敢表達,就很有可能阻止更糟糕的事情發生。(but if it is not a misunderstanding, then your brave stance may very well prevent worse things from happening.)
“Do you have time now? Can I talk to you?”
“Do you have time now? Can I talk to you?”
小朋友,一定要學會保護自己,學會說出自己的感受。祝福你健康快樂地長大。(I wish you grow up healthy and happy.)
我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)
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EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)

EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)
