EP.66 清明掃墓/ To visit the graves during Tomb Sweeping Day (Bear老師原創故事)


城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----

背景音樂:電影「可可夜總會」插曲「Remember Me」吉他演奏 by Stephen Chau

Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,清明節快到了,你會跟家人一起去掃墓嗎?還是你們家有其他祭祀祖先的方式呢?(Kids, Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, will you go to visit the graves with your family? Or does your family have other ways of showing respect to ancestors?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友他們家要怎麼度過清明節。(Let's hear how other children's families will spend Tomb-Sweeping Day.)
Jasper:清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂…。(During the days around Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains non-stop. Those peoplewalking on the road are very sad.)
Emma:Jasper,你在唸什麼啊?( What are you reading?)
Jasper:清明節快到了,我忽然想起Bear老師教過的那首詩「清明」。(Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, and I suddenly remembered the poem "Qingming" taught by Teacher Bear.)
Emma:喔~我記得那首詩…。(Oh~ I remember that poem….)我懂那種「欲斷魂」的感覺。(I know the feeling of "very sad ".)
Jasper:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)
Emma:我奶奶幾年前去世了。(My grandma passed away a few years ago.)每次我們去祭拜她的時候,都很傷心,尤其是爺爺。(Every time we go to pay our respects, we feel very sad, especially my grandpa.)
Jasper:我懂,爸爸每年帶我們去掃墓的時候,心情也都很沉重。(I understand. Every year when my father takes us to visit the family grave, he feels very heavy-hearted.)不過我們總是一邊掃墓一邊聊起以前的事,就好像爺爺奶奶還跟我們在一起一樣。(But we always talk about the past while sweeping graves, and it’s as if our grandparents are still with us.)
Emma:我們家不是去掃墓,我們把奶奶的骨灰放在靈骨塔裡。(Our family doesn’t visit a grave. We placed grandma’s ashes in the columbarium.)爺爺說,他希望將來我們把他的骨灰放在奶奶旁邊。(Grandpa said he hopes we will place his ashes next to grandma in the future.)
Jasper:所以你沒掃過墓?(So you never visited a grave?)
Emma:嗯~爸爸說,奶奶生前就交代了不要土葬,要火葬。(Well, Dad said that when grandma was alive, she told him she preferred cremation to burial.)一方面土地真的太貴了,一方面,她覺得放在靈骨塔裡比較方便家人祭拜。(For one thing, land is really too expensive, and she felt it was easier for family members to worship in the columbarium.)
Jasper:我爸媽也這麼說,(My parents said the same thing.)他們還說不想被放在靈骨塔裡。(And they said they didn’t want to be placed in a columbarium.)所以我爸爸說要樹葬,媽媽說要花葬。他們都說要回歸大自然。(My father said he wanted to be buried under trees and my mother said she wanted to be buried under flowers. They both said they want to return to nature.)
Emma:沒想到你父母這麼早就跟你談了這些。(I didn’t expect your parents to talk to you about this so early.)
Jasper:嗯~爸爸總是說「人生無常」,(Well, Dad always said, “life is unpredictable”,)早一點把心願說出來比較好。(so it’s better to express your wishes as early as possible.)不過他們每次說這些的時候,我都覺得有點傷心、害怕。(But every time they talk about this, I feel a little sad and scared.)
Emma:嗯~我懂,我很怕我愛的人離開我,我也覺得死亡很可怕。(Oh, I understand. I'm afraid that the people I love will leave me, and I also think death is scary.)
Jasper:我爸媽總是安慰我不要怕,(My parents always comfort me and tell me not to be afraid.)他們說,就是因為生命總有結束的時候,所以才要把握活著的每一天。(They say that because life will end one day, we should value every moment of life.)
Emma:我還是覺得現在想這些太早了,我不要聽。(I still think it’s too early to think about this, and I don’t want to hear it.)
Robin:你不要聽什麼?(What don’t you want to hear?)
Jasper:Robin,Emma說她不喜歡談死亡這個話題。(Emma’s saying she doesn't like to talk about death.)
Robin:我也覺得這個話題對Emma太難了。(I also think this topic is too difficult for Emma.)
Robin:因為你還是小朋友啊!(Because you are still a kid!)
Emma:才不是,(It’s not like that.) 我只是害怕傷心的感覺。(I'm just afraid I’ll feel sad.)而且剛剛Jasper還說他父母死後要樹葬和花葬,聽起來很可怕。(And just now Jasper said that after his parents die, they will be buried under trees or flowers. It sounds very scary.)
Robin:哇!你爸媽好酷啊!(Wow! Your parents are so cool!)你呢?你也要跟他們一樣嗎?(And you? Do you want to be like them?)
Jasper:Robin!你不要這樣說,我會怕。(Don't say that, I am afraid.)
Robin:怕什麼?(What are you afraid of?)你們知道嗎?我不要被埋著,我要海葬!(You know what? I don’t want to be buried, I want my ashes to be scattered in the ocean!)這樣死了以後也能環遊世界。(That way I can travel around the world after I die.)
Emma:你不怕死嗎?(Aren't you afraid of death?)
Robin:當然怕啊!(Of course I am.)可是我奶奶總是說怕也沒有用,(But my grandma always said that fear is not helpful)所以她鼓勵我好好地想一想要在這一輩子達成哪些目標,(so she encouraged me to think carefully about what goals I want to achieve in this life,)然後努力去完成,這樣要離開世界的那一天才不會後悔。(and then work hard to complete them, so that I won't have regrets when I leave this world.)
Jasper:嗯!你奶奶說得很有道理。(What your grandma said makes sense.)
Emma:嗯!我現在也比較不怕了。(I’m less afraid now.)
Robin:太好了!那~~我們一起努力吧!(Great! Then~~ let’s work hard together!)
小朋友,今天的話題讓你害怕嗎?(Kids, does today’s topic scare you?)其實Bear老師也很怕死亡,(Actually, I am also afraid of dying.)不過,Bear老師現在更怕和心愛的人分開,更怕這輩子一事無成。(However, I am now more afraid of being separated from the one I love, and even more afraid of accomplishing nothing in this life.)但是沒有人能長生不老,我們能怎麼辦呢?(But we can’t live forever, so what can we do?) Bear老師建議你先把每一天都過得充實、快樂,並且珍惜你愛的人,好不好?(I suggest that you live each day to the fullest and be happy, and cherish the ones you love, okay?)
“Seize the day!”
“Seize the day!”
小朋友,希望你充分利用每一天。(Hope you make the most of every day.)如果你也想了解「清明」這首詩,請聽聽第34集喔。(If you also want to understand the poem "Qingming", please listen to episode 34.)
我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)
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EP.66 清明掃墓/ To visit the graves during Tomb Sweeping Day (Bear老師原創故事)

EP.66 清明掃墓/ To visit the graves during Tomb Sweeping Day (Bear老師原創故事)
