EP.65 英文繪本《忙碌的春天──萬物甦醒》/An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”


城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----


Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,春天到了,所以今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本跟春天有關的英文繪本。(Spring is here, so today I’m going to introduce to you an English picture book about spring.)讓我們來聽聽吧!(Let’s listen to it!)
An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”/英文繪本《忙碌的春天─萬物甦醒》
Story/故事:Sean Taylor and Alex Morse
Illustrator/插畫家:Cinyee Chiu
In the winter time, the garden felt quiet and gray.
And it looked like it was sleeping.
Then, one morning, Dad was wearing his sweater with a hole in it.
That meant it was a good day for going outside to do gardening
And it was!
I went. So did my little sister Jasmine.
我去了花園, 我的妹妹茉莉也一起去了。
The yard was bright, and birds were singing, hopping, and pecking.
A big bee flew by in a hurry. Everything smelled like wet earth and sunshine.
“It's warm!” said Jasmine.
「很溫暖!」 茉莉說。
Dad nodded. “It's spring.”
爸爸點點頭。 「春天到了。」
Dad told us he had digging to do, and we could carry things to the compost heap, then help plant carrots.
He said, “Let's see where I left the fork.”
“Let's see!” said Jasmine.
「我們來找找!」 茉莉說。
She splashed through a puddle.
Birds flew up and continued chattering in the trees.
“The birds are all busy!” I said.
「鳥兒們都很忙!」 我說。
Dad told us, “Everything's busy. The plants are busy. The animals are busy. Spring's a busy time.”
爸爸告訴我們:「一切都很忙。 植物很忙。 動物們很忙。 春天是個忙碌的季節。」
Jasmine shouted, “Busy spring!”
Dad brushed his hand through flowers as tall as Jasmine.
Bees and bugs and flies zoomed out.
He told us, “The spring sunlight is nature's alarm clock. Life's waking up. Plants are racing to get more light.
Some grow high, and then the wind scatters pollen from their flowers. Some paint themselves brilliant colours, to attract insects.”
他告訴我們:「春天的陽光是大自然的鬧鐘。生命正在甦醒。 植物競爭著得到更多光線。
Jasmine put her face in some flowers. They made her sneeze!
“You're not a bumblebee!” I told her, laughing.
「你不是熊蜂!」 我笑著告訴她。
But she ran around going “bzzz…bzzz…bzzzzzz!”
Jasmine buzzed around the pond. “There are tadpoles!” she shouted.
茉莉在池塘邊嗡嗡叫著。 「有蝌蚪!」 她喊道。
Dad said, “Did you know, tadpoles turn into butterflies?”
I told him, “They turn into FROGS!”
“Oh yes,” laughed Dad. 「哦,是的,」爸爸笑著說。
“That’s right! Frogs make too many babies to count. The fastest and luckiest tadpoles grow big and strong. And when they become frogs, you'll hear them croaking spring songs.”
「沒錯! 青蛙生下多到數不清的寶寶。 最快、最幸運的蝌蚪長得又大又壯。當牠們變成青蛙時,你會聽到牠們呱呱地唱著春天之歌。」
“Can you jump like a frog?” I asked Jasmine.
「你能像青蛙一樣跳嗎?」 我問茉莉。
“No,” she said, “But I can fly like a FLUTTERBYE!”
Jasmine fluttered away and fluttered back.
Birds swooped, like they were playing too. One stopped on a branch.
鳥兒俯衝而下,就像在玩耍一樣。 其中一隻停在一根樹枝上。
I said, “She's eating a twig!”
“She's not eating it,” said Dad.
“There are lots of tasty caterpillars around for her to eat. She's collecting twigs to make a nest. And soon there'll be new born chicks up there.”
「周圍有很多美味的毛毛蟲供她吃。 她正在收集樹枝來築巢。 很快就會有新生的雛鳥在那裡。」
“Cheepy cheepy!” sang Jasmine. “ Cheep cheep cheep!”
“啾咇 啾咇!” 茉莉唱著。 「啾啾啾!」
It didn't sound quite like the birds. But it sounded happy, like them.
聽起來不太像鳥兒的叫聲。 但聽起來很開心,就像牠們一樣。
We still hadn't found Dad's fork. It wasn't by the shed… but the hole where the fox lives was. And Jasmine peeped down.
我們還是沒有找到爸爸的叉鏟。 不是在棚子旁邊……不過我們發現了狐狸住的洞。 茉莉也往下偷看。
“Is the fox inside?” I asked.
「狐狸在裡面嗎?」 我問。
Dad nodded. “Yes. And she'll have fox cubs by now.”
爸爸點點頭。 「是的。 她現在已經有了狐狸寶寶了。」
“Little fox cubs!” Jasmine called. “Come and play!”
「狐狸寶寶!」 茉莉叫著。 「來玩啊!」
“They just want to be with their mum for now,” whispered Dad. “But they'll soon be playing games in the spring sunshine.”
「他們現在只想和媽媽在一起,」爸爸低聲說。 「但他們很快就會在春天的陽光下玩遊戲。」
“What games?” I asked.
「什麼遊戲?」 我問。
“Rolling and bouncing!” said Dad. “And chasing and pouncing!” Then he chased us, like we were foxes!
「滾來滾去,蹦蹦跳跳!」 爸爸說。 「還有追來追去,並且撲向對方!」然後他追我們,就像我們是狐狸一樣!
I ran behind the compost heap. “Dad!” I shouted. “HERE'S your fork!”
我跑到堆肥後面。 「爸爸!」 我大喊。 「你的叉鏟在這裡!」
Dad came to get it.
“Who lives in THERE?”, Jasmine asked.
Dad rolled back a log with the fork. “Insects.” He said.
There were rushing ants and some woodlice. There were worms. And a shiny beetle.
有匆忙的螞蟻和一些潮蟲。 有蠕蟲。 還有一隻閃亮的甲蟲。
“Those are nature's recyclers,” Dad told us. “They're working hard, eating up all the dead things.”
「這些是大自然的回收者,」爸爸告訴我們。 「他們正在努力工作,吃掉所有死去的東西。」
I spotted a caterpillar next to the compost heap. “Look!” I pointed.
我在堆肥旁邊發現了一隻毛毛蟲。 「看!」 我指著。
“Spring's all around us!” smiled Dad.
「春天就在我們身邊!」 爸爸微笑著。
“Everything's growing, feeding and making new life. That caterpillar was an egg a few days ago. Now she's eating and eating. Next, she'll wrap herself up in a cocoon. Then she'll change into a butterfly and find a mate.
「一切都在生長、滋養並創造新的生命。 幾天前,那條毛毛蟲還是一顆蛋。 現在她正在吃啊吃啊。 接下來,她會將自己包裹在繭中。 然後她會變成蝴蝶並且找到伴侶。」
“Yes!” I said. “Tadpoles become frogs!” “And caterpillars become butterflies!”
「是的!」 我說。 「蝌蚪變成青蛙!」「 毛毛蟲變成蝴蝶!」
Dad looked at Jasmine and asked, “Can you become a butterfly again?”
“No”, she said. “But I can become a FROG!” And off she hopped!
「不」,她說。 「但我能變成一隻青蛙!」 然後她蹦跳了起來!
“It might rain in a bit,” called Dad. “And we came out to do something else, didn't we?”
「一會兒可能會下雨。」爸爸說。 「我們是出來做某事的,對吧?」
“Digging,” I said.
“And planting carrots!” Jasmine told him.
「還有種胡蘿蔔!」 茉莉告訴他。
“That's right,” said Dad. “Come on.”
「沒錯,」爸爸說。 「快動手吧。」
So we did. Birds sang along. Petals came dancing down. And we got busy.
所以我們開始挖呀挖。 鳥兒們一起唱歌。 花瓣飛舞落下。 而我們忙了起來。
Spring is full of vitality, isn’t it? Are you feeling energized and ready for the new year?
“I am ready.”
“I am ready.”
Do you like spring? If you want to know how to say four seasons in English, please listen to Episode 23.
我們下次見嘍!See you next time!
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EP.65 英文繪本《忙碌的春天──萬物甦醒》/An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”

EP.65 英文繪本《忙碌的春天──萬物甦醒》/An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”
