EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)


本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出。
FB:搜尋「草本花道」 https://www.facebook.com/jrfloralstudio/?locale=zh_TW


Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。

本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道」贊助播出。(This episode is sponsored by the dream flower house "JR Floral Boutique".)這是一間溫暖又美麗的花店喔。(This is a warm and beautiful flower shop.)

小朋友,中國新年期間,你去拜訪了哪些人呢?(Who did you visit during the Chinese New Year?)去拜訪的時候,你帶了什麼禮物呢?(What gifts did you bring when you visited?)你相不相信有的小禮物能帶來大大的改變呢?(Do you believe that some small gifts can bring about big changes?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友的經驗。(Let’s hear about other children’s experiences.)
Amy:Jasper,謝謝你陪我一起去探望Vivian奶奶。(Thank you for coming with me to visit Grandma Vivian.)
Jasper:不客氣,我也很想去探望她。(You're welcome, I'd love to visit her too.)
Amy:其實,我有點怕一個人去。(Actually, I'm a little afraid of going alone.)她家很昏暗,而且,有點亂。(Her house is very dark and a bit untidy.)
Jasper:我知道。(I know.)我覺得那是因為Vivian奶奶還沒走出悲傷。(I think that's because Grandma Vivian hasn't gotten over her sadness yet.)
Amy:一定很痛苦吧!(It must be painful!)唯一的家人走了,換作是我,一定不知道該怎麼辦。(The last of her family is gone. If it were me, I would not know what to do.)
Jasper:我也是。(Me too.)孤單的感覺很可怕。(To be lonely is terrible.)
Amy:我好希望她快點走出悲傷,再來我們學校當志工。(I really hope she can get over her grief quickly and come back to volunteer in our school.)

Jasper:對啊!我也好想念她在圖書館給我們讀繪本的樣子。(Yes! I miss her reading picture books to us in the library.)
Amy:到了到了。我們要開心點。(We are here. We need to cheer up a bit.)
Jasper:嗯~~( Yes~~)
Amy、Jasper:Vivian奶奶。(Grandma Vivian.)
Vivian奶奶:歡迎歡迎,請進請進。(Welcome, please come in.)
Amy、Jasper:謝謝。(Thank you.)
Amy:哇!Vivian奶奶,你家…你家不一樣了!(Wow! Grandma Vivian, your house…your house is different!)
Jasper:是啊!你家…你家好明亮啊。而且…而且…(Yes! Your house…your house is so bright. And…and…)
Vivian奶奶:而且不亂了,是嗎?(And it’s not messy anymore, right?)
Jasper:沒有沒有,我們不是那個意思。(No, no, that's not what we meant.)
Vivian奶奶:沒關係,我知道。(That’s okay, I know.)我也很喜歡我家現在的樣子。(I also like the way my house looks now.)
Amy:是誰來幫你整理的?(Who came to help you organize it?)
Vivian奶奶:這一切啊,都要從朋友送給我的一束花說起。(It all started with a bouquet of flowers given to me by a friend.)你看,就在那個花瓶裡。(See there in that vase.)
Jasper:哇!好美,看了心情真好。(Wow! So beautiful, it’s really so cheerful to see.)
Vivian奶奶:是啊!為了放那束花,我把多年前我先生送給我的花瓶找了出來。(Yes! I found the vase that my husband gave me many years ago to arrange the bouquet.)
Amy:他很愛花嗎?(Did he love flowers?)
Vivian奶奶:是啊,他總是買花送給我。(Yes, he always used to buy flowers for me.)他總是說擁有生活樂趣很重要。(He always said that it’s very important to have joie de vivre.)
Jasper:所以你為了放那束花,把那張桌子清乾淨了?(So you cleaned that table to put that bouquet of flowers?)
Vivian奶奶:是啊!不但把那張桌子清乾淨了,為了看清楚那束花,我還裝了新燈泡。 (Yes! I didn’t just clean the table, I also installed new light bulbs so I could see the flowers properly.) 看清楚以後,我發現我該打掃了屋子了。(Then, when I could see clearly, I realized it was time for me to clean the house.)
Amy:你還換了新窗簾!(You also got new curtains!)
Vivian奶奶:是啊,我把多年沒用的縫紉機拿出來用,自己做了新窗簾。(Yes, I took out the sewing machine that I hadn’t used all these years, and made new curtains for myself.)你看,我還自己做了新的桌巾。(Look, I made new tablecloths by myself too.)喔,對了。這兩個我自己做的零錢包送給你們。(Oh, right, these are for you - two coin purses I made.)
Amy、Jasper:謝謝Vivian奶奶。(Thank you, Grandma Vivian.)
Amy:真不好意思,我們不但沒帶禮物來,還收了你的禮物。(We feel really sorry. We’re just receiving your gifts but didn’t bring anything for you.)
Vivian奶奶:哪裡的話!(Don’t say that.)你們來看我,送給我你們寶貴的時間,這是最棒的禮物。(You came to see me and spend precious time with me. This is the greatest gift.)
Jasper:Vivian奶奶,我們學校的小朋友都很想念你。(Grandma Vivian, the children in our school miss you very much.)
Amy:是啊,以前下課後常到圖書館聽你說故事。(Yes, I used to go to the library after class to listen to you tell stories.)你還會再回來嗎?(Will you come back again?)
Vivian奶奶:會的會的,我最近覺得好多了。(Yes, yes, I feel much better recently.)我想,是時候走出去了。(I think it’s time to go out.)喔!對了,我給你們做了小點心,我去廚房把它們拿出來,我們邊吃邊聊。(Oh! By the way, I made some snacks for you. I will go to fetch them from the kitchen and then we can chat while eating.)
Amy:好,我們幫你一起拿!(OK, let’s help you.)
Vivian奶奶:謝謝!(Thank you!)
Amy、Jasper:不客氣!(You’re welcome!)
小朋友,去年Bear老師心愛的狗狗過世了,我悲傷了好一陣子,家裡也亂糟糟的,無心打理。(My beloved dog passed away last year. I was sad for quite a while. My house was in a mess and I had no motivation to take care of it.)後來,也是從一盆花開始,Bear老師一點一點地在生活環境上做一些改變。(Later, starting from a pot of flowers, I made changes little by little in my surroundings.) 過去的事,我們已經無能為力了,但是未來掌握在自己手裡喔。(We can't do anything about the past, but the future is in our own hands.)
“The future is in your hands.”
“The future is in your hands.”
小朋友,Bear老師祝你新的一年光明燦爛。(I wish you a bright new year.)如果,你還有放不下的煩惱或悲傷,Bear老師希望你找一個辦法讓自己走出來。(If you still have troubles or sadness that you can't let it go, I hope that you will find a way to get past it.)可能是讀一本書、學一個新的興趣或是完成一個新目標。(It may be reading a book, learning a new interest, or completing a new goal.)許多生活中的小改變都能帶來大大的影響喔。(Many small changes in life can have a big impact.)
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)

EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)
