EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,西洋情人節剛過,你感受到浪漫的氣氛了嗎?(Valentine's Day has just passed, do you feel the romantic atmosphere?)接下來就是農曆一月十五號華人的元宵節,你打算去燈會欣賞花燈嗎?(Next is the Chinese Lantern Festival on January 15th of the lunar calendar. Do you plan to go to the festival to enjoy the lanterns?)
今天,Bear老師想給你們介紹一首大約一千年前跟情人、燈會有關的宋詞〈生查子──元夕〉,(Today, I would like to introduce to you a lyric from the Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago, “Shēngzhāzǐ──Yuánxì”, which is about lovers and lantern festivals.) 作者是宋朝鼎鼎大名的文學家歐陽修。(The author is Ōuyáng Xiū, a very famous Song Dynasty poet and writer.)
〈生查子〉是曲調的名字 ("Shēngzhāzǐ " is the name of the tune.)。歐陽修為這首曲調寫了新的歌詞,並取名叫「元夕」。(Ōuyáng Xiū wrote new lyrics for this tune and named it "Yuánxì".) 從前的宋詞都配上了音樂,但是因為過了太久了,所以沒有人知道怎麼唱了,只留下美麗的文字讓我們欣賞。(In the past, Song Dynasty lyrics were set to music, but because so much time has passed, no one knows how to sing them anymore, leaving only beautiful words for us to appreciate.)不過,有些人為一些宋詞配上了新的音樂,所以,有的宋詞我們又能唱嘍。(However, some people wrote new music for some Song Dynasty lyrics, therefore, we can sing them again.)
「元夕」的意思就是「農曆年第一個月圓的夜晚」,("Yuánxì " means "the night of the first full moon of the lunar year",)也就是「農曆一月十五日的夜晚」,(that is, "the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month",)跟「元宵」是一樣的意思喔。(which has the same meaning as " Yuánxiāo".)所以農曆的一月十五日也叫「元宵節」。(Therefore, the 15th day of the first lunar month is also called "Yuánxiāo Festival".)至於為什麼也叫「燈節」,請聽聽第二十九集喔!(As for why it is also called “Lantern Festival”, please listen to the episode 29!)
現在,讓Bear老師來為你們讀這首詞:(Now, let me read this lyric for you:)
現在讓Bear老師一句一句地給你們解釋:(Now let me explain it to you sentence by sentence :)
At last year's Lantern Festival, the flower market was as bright as the daytime because of the lanterns.
I made an appointment with her to meet after dusk, when the moon climbed over the willow branches.
It’s the night of the Lantern Festival again this year, and the moon and lanterns are still as beautiful as last year.
But the person I met at the lantern festival last year is no longer there, and I cry uncontrollably. My sleeves are wet from wiping my tears.
這裡的「春衫」,意思不是「春天的衣服」,而是「年輕人穿的衣服」。(The "chūn shān" here doesn’t mean "spring clothes", but "clothes for young people".)這首詞寫的正是歐陽修年輕時候的回憶。(This lyric is about Ōuyáng Xiū's memories of when he was young.)
這首詞是歐陽修為了懷念他過世的妻子所寫的。(This lyric was written by Ōuyáng Xiū in memory of his deceased wife.)雖然是作者寫給妻子的,但這首詞卻讓Bear老師想起了童年時的回憶。(Although it was written to the author’s wife, it reminded me of my childhood memories.)小時候,Bear老師也會跟爺爺一起逛燈會,但是Bear老師的爺爺已經過世很多年了,因此,雖然現在每年的元宵節都依然有燈會,卻已經沒有爺爺陪我一起逛了。(When I was a child, I went to the lantern festival with my grandfather. However, my grandfather passed away many years ago. Therefore, although there are still lantern festivals every year, my grandfather no longer goes with me. )
小朋友,你還小,所以大部分你愛的人都還在你的身邊,可是這並不是永遠的,因此,要珍惜與他們相處的每一刻。(Kids, you are still young, so most of the people you love are still with you, but this is not forever, so you must cherish every moment with them.)
請跟Bear老師再把這首詞念一次:(Please read this lyric with me again:)
你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。
“What a beautiful memory!”
“What a beautiful memory!”
今年的燈會,希望你能跟家人一起好好地欣賞,留下永恆的美好回憶。(I hope you can enjoy this year's lantern festival with your family and have lasting, beautiful memories.)
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”

EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”
